
About Dave Philips

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So far Dave Philips has created 69 blog entries.

ITInTheD – Pre-Pink Slip Party Thursday Resume Review Session With Arrow Strategies

ROYAL OAK - Episode 160 of the IT in the D podcast from the Podcast Detroit studios saw a lot of laughs and fun and some even faster talking than we normally see.  We had Mike, Jay, and Eric from Detroitcast in-studio with us talking about their daily show, and then Beth Rose called in

By |2016-08-31T15:56:01-04:00August 31st, 2016|Featured, IT in the D, Podcasts|

ITInTheD: MEDC, Delphinus Medical Tech, Social Coop Media Detroit, The Scoop

ROYAL OAK - In ITInTheD Episode 159 Bob and Dave hosted some really cool conversations.  They learned more about what the Michigan Economic Development Corporation can offer startups, how Delphinus Medical Technologies used those programs and is now getting ready to hopefully revolutionize the way breast cancer detection is done, and then closed out the night with Billy

By |2016-08-24T10:06:22-04:00August 24th, 2016|IT in the D, Podcasts|

DISYS, High And Tight, Spellbound In-Studio, Event Thursday Night Mixer

ROYAL OAK - ITINTHED had a full house Monday in-studio for episode 158. Part of the show was to highlight the monthly casual networking event Thursday at Blackfinn in Royal Oak. Bob and Dave also had something of a special request to make of some of our regular attendees for this one.  There’s also the

By |2016-08-17T12:26:44-04:00August 17th, 2016|IT in the D, Podcasts|

ITInTheD: Episode 155 Pairaphrase, Comedy 4 Cancer

ROYAL OAK - Really solid episode Monday night with our friends behind the Comedy 4 Cancer benefit and Pairaphrase.  Learn more about the benefit event at the end of September, as well as a new translation engine that keeps your information private… Pairaphrase is at https://www.pairaphrase.com/ Comedy 4 Cancer is at http://comedy4cancer.com/ https://soundcloud.com/itinthed/itinthed-ep155-pairaphrase-comedy-4-cancer

By |2016-08-04T10:24:19-04:00August 3rd, 2016|IT in the D, Podcasts|

ITInTheD Episode 154: Automation Alley, e-Nable, Maker Faire Detroit, Motor City Steam Con

Episode 154: Automation Alley, e-Nable, Maker Faire Detroit, Motor City Steam Con ROYAL OAK - On Episode 154 of ITInTheD, Bob and Dave feature Automation Alley and Daniel Dugan, talking initiatives in the metro Detroit area, e-Nable, Maker Faire, and Motor City Steam Con. Automation Alley is at: http://www.automationalley.com/Home.aspx e-Nable is at: http://enablingthefuture.org/ Maker Faire

By |2016-07-27T16:09:48-04:00July 27th, 2016|IT in the D, Podcasts|

ITinTheD Episode 154: Automation Alley, e-Nable, Maker Faire Detroit, Motor City Steam Con

DETROIT - Episode 154 with Automation Alley and Daniel Dugan, talking initiatives here in the metro Detroit area, e-Nable, Maker Faire, and Motor City Steam Con. Automation Alley is at: http://www.automationalley.com/Home.aspx e-Nable is at: http://enablingthefuture.org/ Maker Faire Detroit is at: http://www.makerfairedetroit.com/ Motor City Steam Con is at: http://www.motorcitysteamcon.com/

By |2016-07-20T16:38:26-04:00July 20th, 2016|IT in the D, Podcasts|

ITintheD Ep 152 – What Does Being Black in America Mean – Full Episode

ROYAL OAK - After the events of last week, and rather rapidly, we were lucky enough to get Eric Thomas, Calvin Moore, Billy Strawter, and Khary Frazier in-studio to talk about not just the events of the past week, but also the touchy topic of what it’s actually like to be black in America today,

By |2016-07-13T15:27:17-04:00July 13th, 2016|Featured, IT in the D, Podcasts|

Episode 150: Seven Point Two Tours and Vault of Midnight Detroit

ROYAL OAK - Well, we learned that Calvin from Seven Point Two Tours is a wealth of knowledge about the city of Detroit, and Nick from Vault of Midnight is committed to having a great experience for experienced comic enthusiasts and newbies alike.  Lots of fun and great conversations in episode 150 of our show

By |2016-06-29T15:10:38-04:00June 29th, 2016|IT in the D, Podcasts|

ITINTHED Episode 148: Comcast And Qualigence

ROYAL OAK - Another week, another great episode.  This time around we were joined by Youness and Michelle from Comcast talking about network improvements, customer service, and quite a few other solid topics.  We were also joined by long-time group member and recruiter Dave Dullack to talk about the job market in the area and

By |2016-06-22T11:57:07-04:00June 22nd, 2016|IT in the D, Podcasts|

Episode 147: Source Point Press, Own The Play, Internet Gambling, Comics Culture

ROYAL OAK - Well, a little bit of chaos evolved with our guests over the course of the day, but we prevailed and managed to have a great show with cool, fun guests anyway.  We were joined by Travis from Source Point Press who clued is in to why they’re a little different than a

By |2016-06-15T12:03:51-04:00June 15th, 2016|IT in the D, Podcasts|