Clean, green, hybrid

DTE Energy Gets $5.4 Million To Convert 170 Gas Vehicles To Natural Gas

DETROIT - DTE Energy received a $5.4 million federal grant through Clean Energy Coalition to fund the conversion of more than 170 gasoline-powered fleet vehicles to run on compressed natural gas. The grant, which was awarded to Clean Energy Coalition?s Green Fleets program by the U.S. Department of Energy under the American Recovery and Reinvestment

By |2011-07-15T00:00:00-04:00July 15th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Public Service Commission Ups Electric Rates For Two U.P Counties

LANSING - An annual electric rate increase for customers of Northern States Power Company of $839,000 has been approved by the Public Service Commission. The settlement agreement will affect customers of the Wisconsin-based utility in two counties in the Upper Peninsula bordering Wisconsin. The settlement should end the utility request filing that was initially made

By |2011-07-12T00:00:00-04:00July 12th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Great Lakes Compact Gets Mixed Reviews From Wildlife Federation

LANSING - The Great Lakes Compact has received has worked in some cases, not so in others, according to a report released Tuesday by the National Wildlife Federation on the initiative's overall progress and effectiveness. Michigan received high marks for the Department of Environmental Quality's on-line Water Withdrawal Assessment tool, which is used to predict

By |2011-07-12T00:00:00-04:00July 12th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

New Federal Regs On Coal-Fired Power Plants To Impact Emission Allocations

LANSING - Michigan and 26 other states will need to see how power plant emissions are allocated before they will know how new federal rules signed Thursday would affect the state, Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality Division Chief Vinson Hellwig told Gongwer News Service. The new rules, which also still have to go through

By |2011-07-08T00:00:00-04:00July 8th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Gas Technologies Spends $2 Million To Streamline Alternative Fuels Plant

WALLOON LAKE - Gas Technologies LLC said Thursday that it has streamlined its GasTechno advanced alcohol, biofuels and chemical plant that profitably converts natural gas to liquids and chemical products for less than $2 million. The company announced its new GasTechno Mini‐GTL gas‐to‐liquids plant packages will range in cost from $1.5 million to $2 million

By |2011-07-08T00:00:00-04:00July 8th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Michigan PSC Grants – $62 Million Low-Income, $5 Million Energy Efficiency

LANSING - The Michigan Public Service Commission announced $62 million in low-income assistance grants and $5 million in energy efficiency grants from the Low-Income and Energy Efficiency Fund. As has been typical, the largest portion of the assistance grants (docket No. U-13129), $35 million, went to the Department of Human Services for assistance those not

By |2011-06-29T00:00:00-04:00June 29th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Consumers Energy To Buy Electricity Generated By Fremont Commity Digester

FREMONT - Consumers Energy has contracted to purchase the total renewable energy output produced by the $22 million Fremont Community Digester, a 3.1 megawatt expected to go online summer 2012. "This is the first time that Consumers Energy will be buying renewable energy from fuel produced by processed food waste. This innovative facility is another

By |2011-06-28T00:00:00-04:00June 28th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Detroit Edison CEO Joins NextEnergy Board

DETROIT - NextEnergy announced that Steven E. Kurmas, president and CEO of Detroit Edison, has joined its Board of Directors. ?Steve's background in power generation, fuel supply, and electric distribution makes him a very valuable addition to our board,? says NextEnergy Chairman Chris Rizik. He adds, ?This is all the more true as NextEnergy evolves

By |2011-06-28T00:00:00-04:00June 28th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|