Clean, green, hybrid

Michigan Utilities On Target To Reach 10 Percent Renewable Energy By 2015

LANSING - Michigan utilities have to provide 10 percent of their power from renewable sources in 2015, and, at their current rate of adopting renewable power, the state's utilities should be able to hit that target, the Public Service Commission announced Tuesday. The report showed Detroit Edison has 44 megawatts of renewable power already in

By |2011-01-04T00:00:00-05:00January 4th, 2011|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Nuclear Energy Focus Of Engineering Society Of Detroit Breakfast Jan. 27

DETROIT - The Engineering Society of Detroit on Jan. 27 will kick off its popular Eggs & Energy Breakfast series by looking at Nuclear Energy, how it is used today, its future potential, opportunities and obstacles facing this industry, as well as innovations and new technologies. This breakfast will feature: David B. Harwood, Director and

By |2010-12-22T00:00:00-05:00December 22nd, 2010|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Former Snyder Campaign Finance Director Joins NextEnergy Board

DETROIT - Richard DiBartolomeo, Gov.-elect Rick Snyder's former campaign Finance Director, has joined the NextEnergy's Board of Directors. DiBartolomeo will serve as a Board Director and Chairman of the Audit and Finance Committee. ?We are very pleased that Rick has joined us,? says NextEnergy Chairman Chris Rizik, who notes, ?his extensive experience will be highly

By |2010-12-20T00:00:00-05:00December 20th, 2010|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Register For Michigan Tech, Detroit-Mercy Electric Vehicle Courses

DETROIT ? Both Michigan Tech and the University of Detroit-Mercy are offering electric-drive vehicle courses that begin in January 2011. Michigan Tech Hybrid Electric Drive Vehicle Courses The Engineering Society of Detroit has partnered with Michigan Technological University to make ESD's headquarters a satellite location for distance learning students enrolled in Michigan Tech courses for

By |2010-12-20T00:00:00-05:00December 20th, 2010|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Significant Innovation In Wind Generation Lands In Upper Peninsula

LANSING - A major development in wind energy production in the state, using what corporate executives said was a significant innovation in wind generation technology, was unveiled Tuesday by Governor Jennifer Granholm. The proposal will involve development of a large new wind farm on the Garden Peninsula in the Upper Peninsula with the power generated

By |2010-12-08T00:00:00-05:00December 8th, 2010|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

Consumers Energy To Install Smart Electric Meters In Grand Rapids

GRAND RAPIDS - Consumers Energy, the Michigan Public Service Commission, the City of Grand Rapids and other project collaborators announced the launch of Consumers's SmartStreet program which will install 60 East Hills homes and businesses with electric smart meters in 2011. "Today's SmartStreet launch showcases Consumers Energy's commitment to partnering with our residential and business

By |2010-12-07T00:00:00-05:00December 7th, 2010|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|

New Environmental Quality Director Gives Hint To His Management Style

TRAVERSE CITY - Dan Wyant, the new director of Michigan's Department of Environmental Quailty, offered an example of how he will run DEQ: farmland "filter strips." Farmers can protect water quality by putting vegetation buffer zones between their cropland and nearby streams, he said. These so-called filter strips prevent sediments and chemicals from washing into

By |2010-12-07T00:00:00-05:00December 7th, 2010|Archive, Clean, green, hybrid|