
ESD Names Magee Permanent Executive Director

SOUTHFIELD - The Engineering Society of Detroit announced Monday that Robert Magee, who had been serving as interim executive vice president since August, now has the job full time. He was named to the permanent post by a vote of the ESD Board of Directors last week, following a national search. Magee is a veteran

By |2015-03-09T00:00:00-04:00March 9th, 2015|Archive, Events/Announcements|

CIA Creates New Directorate For Cyberespionage, Social Media Monitoring

WASHINGTON DC - The Central Intelligence Agency announced publicly on Friday that - as part of one of the largest agency makeovers since its founding in 1947 - it's creating a new top-level directorate that includes the mandate to engage in cyberespionage as well as monitor social media and foreign websites. The Directorate of Digital

By |2015-03-09T00:00:00-04:00March 9th, 2015|Archive, Events/Announcements|

Vectorform, DTE Energy Create Joint Venture To Market Energy Audit App

ROYAL OAK ? Vectorform, a design and technology company, has created a joint venture with DTE Energy to provide energy-efficient mobile platform that will let customers improve home energy consumption, and hopefully increase savings. The joint venture, to be called Powerley, was announced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The partnership will combine Vectorform's

By |2015-03-05T00:00:00-05:00March 5th, 2015|Archive, Events/Announcements|

Power Grid Official: Michigan Capacity Concern Is Dwindling Cushion

LANSING - The much-discussed electric capacity gap that will arrive in 2016 in the Lower Peninsula affects the reserve available and would not mean immediate shortages, an official with the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator said Wednesday. Melissa Seymour, regional executive for state and customer affairs at MISO, told the House Energy Policy Committee on Wednesday

By |2015-03-05T00:00:00-05:00March 5th, 2015|Archive, Events/Announcements|