
Detroit’s Digital Divide Not Due To Race

ANN ARBOR - The digital divide in the Detroit area - one of the most racially segregated regions in the country - is based not on race but disparities in income, says a new study by the University of Michigan. "African Americans are not significantly less likely than others to use a computer," said Wayne

By |2004-02-19T00:00:00-05:00February 19th, 2004|Archive, Government/Politics|

GLEQ Focuses On Writing The Marketing Plan

ANN ARBOR Training session No. 10 for the Great Lakes Entrepreneur's Quest business-plan writing contest the marketing plan - is set for next week at multiple locations around the state. GLEQ instructors will discuss the definition of a marketing plan, the scope and planning required in creating one and the fundamentals of segmentation, positioning and

By |2004-02-17T00:00:00-05:00February 17th, 2004|Archive, Government/Politics|

SBAM News Update: Small Business Barometer, Health Insurance Reform, Business In Iraq, SBA Budget Increased

LANSING Small Business Barometer, health insurance reform, small business opportunities in Iraq and SBAs 2005 budget are all featured in this Small Business Association of Michigan news update. Small Business Barometer Down Underscoring the struggle to recover from the economic slowdown, fewer small business owners in a recent survey gave positive ratings to Michigan as

By |2004-02-09T00:00:00-05:00February 9th, 2004|Archive, Government/Politics|

SBA 2005 Budget Asks For More Small Business Loan Dollars

LANSING - The U.S. Small Business Administration announced a fiscal year 2005 budget request of $678.4 million that increases loan authority for the agencys flagship lending program, which guarantees loans to small businesses. The budget requests $12.5 billion in loan guarantee authority for the 7(a) program, a 30 percent increase over the FY 2004 requested

By |2004-02-05T00:00:00-05:00February 5th, 2004|Archive, Government/Politics|

Tumarc Gets Award To Develop Next Generation Telematics

LONDON United Kingdom telematics company, Tumarc, has received a government grant to develop a next generation Telematics device. The funding comes under the Smart scheme a package of support to help smaller businesses research and develop technologically innovative products. Tumarc will be developing three key telematics building blocks: The T-box: the telematics client fitted on-board

By |2004-02-04T00:00:00-05:00February 4th, 2004|Archive, Government/Politics|

Beware The Web Burglar Avoid Cyber Hell

DETROIT - It is vitally important that you who are comfortable with banking, investing, making travel reservations and purchasing products over the Web to understand the increasing likelihood that someone is watching over your shoulder, writes Hans Erickson, CIO of the Detroit Regional Chamber. As you type your SSN, credit card number, expiration date and

By |2004-02-04T00:00:00-05:00February 4th, 2004|Archive, Government/Politics|

Federal Budget Could Boost Michigan Deficit

LANSING - President Bush's proposed 2004-05 federal budget could spell big problems for Michigan's appropriations plan, possibly driving Michigan's expected general fund deficit from $1 billion to $1.3 billion. The shortfall will come largely if a Medicaid funding program used by Michigan and other states is eliminated as proposed by Bush. But state officials also

By |2004-02-04T00:00:00-05:00February 4th, 2004|Archive, Government/Politics|

Houghton SmartZone Adds Three Members To Board

HOUGHTON Three new board members have been added to the Michigan Tech Enterprise Corporation, which operates the Michigan Tech Enterprise SmartZone in this Upper Peninsula community. The new board members include: David Weaver, President of Aimattech L.L.C., a management consulting firm located in Bloomfield Hills near Detroit. He also serves as President of Great Lake

By |2004-02-03T00:00:00-05:00February 3rd, 2004|Archive, Government/Politics|