Guest Columns

Google Password Alert Fights Phishing

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Ca. - Google's built a new tool in the fight against phishing. The free Password Alert Chrome extensionkeeps track of where you enter your Google account password and alerts you when you've entered it someplace other than This does two things: it prevents you from re-using your Google password on other sites,

By |2015-04-30T00:00:00-04:00April 30th, 2015|Archive, Guest Columns|

US House Passes Legislation To Help Fend Off Cyberattacks – Privacy Rights Advocates Worry It Will Create Big Brother

WASHINGTON DC - The US House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation on Wednesday designed to help companies and the federal government better defend against the growing threat of cyberattacks, despite opposition from privacy advocates who fear it may open the door to more government spying on US citizens.   Passed by a 307-116 vote, the

By |2015-04-25T00:00:00-04:00April 25th, 2015|Archive, Guest Columns|

MCRCon Cybersecurity Conference Set For May 12

YPSILANTI - The MCRCon cybersecurity conference May 12 has been expanded to include three nationally-known, featured speakers and three presentation tracks focused on "before, during and after a hack." The conference is hosted by Merit and The Michigan Cyber Range. Topics will include cybersecurity preparedness, incident response, public relations, disaster recovery, and more. The Michigan

By |2015-04-25T00:00:00-04:00April 25th, 2015|Archive, Guest Columns|

Surviving Cyberwar: History Of Nation State Use Of Networks To Project Force

BIRMINGHAM - Back before the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, before military thinkers and policymakers became obsessed with counterinsurgency, the idea of the day was the Revolution in Military Affairs, or RMA. RMA, a doctrine that emphasized modern information, technology and communications, was sparked by Soviet analysis of the West's move towards more reliance on

By |2015-04-25T00:00:00-04:00April 25th, 2015|Archive, Guest Columns|

US Millenials Support Snowden’s Efforts To Expose US Government Spying

WASHINGTON DC - The Millennials - those born between 1980 and 1999 - have an "overwhelmingly positive opinion" of Edward Snowden, who in 2013 leaked reams of classified documents about spying programs conducted by the US National Security Agency, a new study from the American Civil Liberties Union contends. This generational change could help usher

By |2015-04-25T00:00:00-04:00April 25th, 2015|Archive, Guest Columns|

Gen. Stone: Nation Lacking In Cyber Warriors To Defend Against Attack

TROY - Despite what is said publicly, the United States does not have the capabilities to defend the nation from a cyberattack launched by a foreign government, or organized crime, Brigadier General Michael A. Stone, the assistant adjutant general, Army National Guard, told a large audience at Walsh College Wednesday night. Stone, the keynote at

By |2015-04-20T00:00:00-04:00April 20th, 2015|Archive, Guest Columns|

Could Toll Roads Be In Michigan’s Future?

DETROIT ? Could toll roads be in Michigan?s future? Perhaps Gov. Rick Snyder said Tuesday during a press conference at the LIFT Detroit offices. Snyder was participating in a roundtable discussion on the future of the nation?s aging and crumbling transportation system. Also attending the conference was U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. Foxx

By |2015-04-02T00:00:00-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Archive, Guest Columns|

Engineering Society Of Detroit All Things Engineering

SOUTHFIELD - The Engineering Society works to be "all things engineering" for the Detroit area and the state of Michigan - preserving Michigan's status as the No. 1 state for engineers in the nation. Today?s ESD offers continuing education, leadership development and networking opportunities to today?s working engineers in all fields ? civil, environmental, mechanical,

By |2015-03-27T00:00:00-04:00March 27th, 2015|Archive, Guest Columns|