Guest Columns

August ‘On the Road’ With Stephen Rapundalo

ANN ARBOR - The summer vacation season curtailed people?s calendars and my travels over the last month. Nonetheless, we begin this report much like we ended the previous month?meeting with state legislators. Representatives from Novartis, Amgen, and BIO along with their contract lobbyists and myself met with Rep. Ken Yonker (R-Caledonia), sponsor of HB 5598.

By |2014-08-21T00:00:00-04:00August 21st, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

Wind Farm Connections To Michigan?s Electrical Grid Bring Far-Ranging Benefits

NOVI - As the largest owner and operator of the high-voltage electrical grid in Michigan, ITC transports energy from generators to local retail distribution utilities throughout the Lower Peninsula. We connect all forms of energy to the grid. Much of the new generation coming online these days is wind energy. Our 140-mile Thumb Loop transmission

By |2014-08-14T00:00:00-04:00August 14th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

Proposal 1 Helps Michigan’s Local Small Businesses, Saving $507 Million In Tax, Compliance Costs

LANSING - Michigan?s local small businesses are already on their way to saving $507 million in tax and compliance costs, savings that will be confirmed with the passage of Proposal 1 on the August 5th statewide primary ballot, according to a new study by the Anderson Economic Group. ?Tens of thousands of local small businesses

By |2014-07-30T00:00:00-04:00July 30th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

IDC Comment: Apple And IBM Will Make Formidable Combination For Enterprise Mobility

LONDON - Apple and IBM announced a strategic partnership whereby IBM will sell iPhones and iPads to its business customers, and will develop cloud services optimized for Apple?s iOS. Apple will provide hardware support for devices through a dedicated large-enterprise AppleCare program. Apple?s need to develop the enterprise market for iPhones is imperative ? and

By |2014-07-21T00:00:00-04:00July 21st, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

On Your Best Day, Who Are You?

GRAND RAPIDS - Who are you? really? A business owner got real with me one day. After several years in business, he realized the company he founded had drifted off course. Somehow it had lost sight of its original business objectives. It?s purpose for being. Where were the markers that propelled them early on? The

By |2014-07-17T00:00:00-04:00July 17th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

Passwords vs Passphrases

LANSING - Passwords are becoming a thing of the past and we might want to consider an alternative. With all the account access needed from day to day, it becomes increasingly difficult to come up with unique new complex passwords that can be remembered. Instead, we could start using passphrases. Passphrases can easily exceed the

By |2014-07-08T00:00:00-04:00July 8th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

Women in Technology: Grow, Learn, Succeed

GRAND RAPIDS - In an industry of constant change and evolution, Amanda Regnerus has at times found herself lacking the confidence that she would be able to make the change or learn at the pace that was needed to keep up with the IT industry. Her admission to those fears may come as a surprise,

By |2014-07-03T00:00:00-04:00July 3rd, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|