Guest Columns

US Government Seizes 82 Domain Names in Cyber Monday Crackdown

WASHINGTON DC - The US Department of Justice, in cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, seized 82 domain names in an action deemed "Cyber Monday Crackdown," also known as "Operation In Our Sites v. 2.0". These seizures resulted from the online sales of counterfeit goods bearing the trademarks of US companies, as well as infringement

By |2010-12-10T00:00:00-05:00December 10th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Why The Rest Of The Country Is Looking at Michigan’s Economic Gardening As A Model For Growth

GRAND RAPIDS - Earlier this year, 13 Small Business Development Center representatives from six states ? Illinois, Minnesota, Georgia, Louisiana, Delaware, and California ? came to Michigan to learn about its Small Business and Technology Development Center's technology commercialization initiative. The MI-SBTDC presented its history, tools and processes for assisting technology companies, and its approach

By |2010-12-05T00:00:00-05:00December 5th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Gartner Lowers 2010 PC Forecast By Almost 4 Percent

STAMFORD, Conn. - Analyst firm Gartner has dropped its projection for 2010 worldwide PC shipments to 14.3 percent in its latest preliminary forecast, down from its 17.9 percent forecast in September, because of what it sees as five disruptive forces challenging the PC industry. 2011 worldwide PC shipments are forecast to reach 409 million units,

By |2010-11-30T00:00:00-05:00November 30th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Free Firefox Add-Ons Detect Firesheep Snooping

SAN FRANCISCO - Every wireless-network user should know the perils of signing into a Web service over an unencrypted connection. Elinor Mills explains the perils of using open Wi-Fi networks in her InSecurity Complex blog. The safest approach is to enter user IDs and passwords only when the page's address begins with "https://" and it

By |2010-11-12T00:00:00-05:00November 12th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Why Trademark Registration Is Important In The Internet Age

TRAVERSE CITY - Clients often want to know how to trademark a name and, inevitably, the next question that follows is, "Why should I use an attorney to file my trademark registration?" Trademark Registration in the Internet age is important because infringement of a trademarked name can spread quickly throughout various online technologies and channels.

By |2010-10-19T00:00:00-04:00October 19th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Eaton, Murphy Oil Team Up For Quick Vehicle Charger Aimed At C Stores

MARSHALL, Mich. - Diversified industrial manufacturer Eaton Corporation took a bunch of reporters in late September on a ride at its test track to showcase a lot of cool new auto technology, including a charging station for electric vehicles that will show up soon at your friendly neighborhood convenience store. The Eaton DC Quick Chargers

By |2010-09-30T00:00:00-04:00September 30th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

New Email Survey Shows No Such Thing As A Day Off

NEW YORK - A new August online survey conducted by Harris Interactive (in the U.S.) and Opinion Matters (in the UK) detailing workers' views on work email leads to a conclusion that the typical 9-5 work day no longer exists as workers in America and the U.K. regularly check email outside of normal business hours,

By |2010-09-07T00:00:00-04:00September 7th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue Strong, But Possible Threats Loom: Gartner

STAMFORD, Conn. - Worldwide semiconductor revenue in 2010 is forecast to reach $300 billion, a 31.5 percent increase from 2009 revenue of $228 billion, according to the latest outlook by analyst firm Gartner. Analysts project worldwide semiconductor revenue to total $314 billion in 2011, a 4.6 percent increase from 2010. The projected 2010 revenue for

By |2010-09-07T00:00:00-04:00September 7th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly In The Pentagon’s Cyber Strategy

BIRMINGHAM - William Lynn,the US Deputy Secretary of Defense wrote the most succinct description of the US Pentagon Cyberstrategy yet in the September/October issue of Foreign Affairs. Here are the good, the bad, and the ugly components of that strategy. The good. Lynn begins by acknowledging successful cyber attacks against the US military, in particular

By |2010-08-31T00:00:00-04:00August 31st, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|