Guest Columns

Internet2 Commends FCC’s Proposed Changes To Rural Health Care Program

WASHINGTON D.C. - Internet2 applauds the Federal Communications Commission's action late last week in announcing the Notice of Proposed Rule Making to modify the Rural Health Care Program. Through the RHCP, the FCC seeks to catalyze the formation of a ubiquitous advanced healthcare network that will serve the national interest by improving citizens' access to

By |2010-07-21T00:00:00-04:00July 21st, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Google’s Wi-Spying, Intelligence Ties Prompt Call For Congressional Hearing

SANTA MONICA, CA - Citing new information about Google's classified government contracts and the Internet giant's admitted Wi-Spying activity, Consumer Watchdog Monday said it is more imperative than ever for the Energy and Commerce Committee to conduct hearings into possible privacy violations by Google. In a letter to Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and Ranking Member

By |2010-07-19T00:00:00-04:00July 19th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Forensic Fluids Laboratories ? State-of-the-Art Drug Testing

KALAMAZOO - Bridget Lorenz Lemberg is a Forensic Toxicologist with more than 20 years of toxicology and pharmacology experience. She is also the founder and owner of one of the fastest growing biotech companies in west Michigan. In 2005, she started Forensic Fluids Laboratories, a woman-owned biotech company that specializes in oral fluid drug testing

By |2010-07-18T00:00:00-04:00July 18th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

New Rules Of Engagement In Cyber Warfare

WASHINGTON DC - We don't know yet whether whistle-blowing Web operation Wikileaks has hundreds of thousands of classified U.S. State Department documents provided by U.S. Army Specialist Bradley Manning or whether it will publish them. But in the meantime Wikileaks' Julian Assange is providing ammunition to those who believe that the fragile new world of

By |2010-06-15T00:00:00-04:00June 15th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

The Story Of How And Why I Wrote Surviving Cyberwar

BIRMINGHAM - After a five month period of editing, indexing, and finally printing Surviving Cyberwar has been published by Government Institutes, an imprint of Scarecrow Press, a division of the Rowman and Littlefield company. Here is the story of how and why I wrote a book on cyberwar. The very first presentation I gave as

By |2010-06-15T00:00:00-04:00June 15th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Cyberwar Becomes A Growth Market In The US

BIRMINGHAM - In 2001 Ralph Bendrath, a German cyber security writer and researcher, wrote a report that dug into the efficacy of the use of the term cyberwar. His report is remarkable in that most of what he covers ten years ago represents today's state of affairs. Bendrath was writing before 9/11, at the end

By |2010-06-15T00:00:00-04:00June 15th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Nearly Two-Thirds Of IT Infrastructure Expected To Be Outsourced By 2020

ST. LOUIS - An annual study commissioned by Savvis, a provider of cloud infrastructure and hosted IT solutions for enterprises, predicts the number of companies that outsource their IT infrastructure will increase globally from 17 percent today to 64 percent in 2020. Independent research firm Vanson Bourne in April surveyed more than 600 IT and

By |2010-06-08T00:00:00-04:00June 8th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Security Management Practises Need Work

SAN FRANCISCO - SenSage has announced the results of an industry survey on security management practices taken during last month's RSA Conference. The survey of 360 security professionals identifies several weaknesses in respondents' log management, compliance reporting, real-time monitoring, forensic investigation and incident response processes. Fifty-two percent involve only one or two groups in security

By |2010-05-07T00:00:00-04:00May 7th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|