Guest Columns

Security Myth Busting Monday

BIRMINGHAM - The attacks against Google emanating from China and the subsequent speech by the US Secretary of State on Internet Freedom have exposed cyber security issues to a wider audience in recent weeks. Perhaps predictably some old ideas are creeping up that should be slapped down quickly. Myth number 1. The US engages in

By |2010-02-02T00:00:00-05:00February 2nd, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Solar Panels, Tax Incentives, And Your House

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - During the summer of 2008, gas prices went through the roof, and the United States refocused on renewable energy. Americans say they desire energy independence from foreign nations and environmentally sound renewable energy sources. To that end, the federal and state governments have enacted a number of alternative energy laws, including the

By |2010-01-24T00:00:00-05:00January 24th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

2010 IT Budgets Shrink To 2005 Levels

STAMFORD, Conn. - IT budgets will essentially be flat in 2010, increasing by a weighted global average of 1.3 percent in nominal terms, Compared with 2009 levels where IT budgets declined 8.1 percent, that's not bad at all. These are among the results from the 2010 CIO survey by Gartner Executive Programs (EXP). 2009 was

By |2010-01-19T00:00:00-05:00January 19th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Putting Chinese Cyber Espionage In Perspective

BIRMINGHAM - Last Tuesday Google announced that they had been hacked by sources in China. The target was email accounts of Chinese activists and bloggers. An outraged Google threatened to discontinue censoring search results at the Google China search engine Yahoo chimed in support of Google. Yahoo of course is another Internet company with

By |2010-01-19T00:00:00-05:00January 19th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Merit Network Completes Blue-Line Fiber-Optic Network

ANN ARBOR - After four years and hundreds of miles of fiber-optic cable, Merit Network engineers lit the fiber-optic cable between Mount Pleasant and Big Rapids on December 12, 2009, to complete the "Blue-Line" portion of the Merit backbone network. Merit Network, America's longest-running research and education network is thrilled to have achieved this important

By |2010-01-13T00:00:00-05:00January 13th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Is the Cloud Ready for Main Street in 2010?

ANN ARBOR - Cloud computing technology made a lot of progress in 2009 but it wasn't without its problems. Reliability and security issues surfaced as the young service struggled with the widespread media coverage and rapid growth. Reflecting on the year that was dominated by the IT buzz word, cloud computing, Online Tech CEO Yan

By |2010-01-12T00:00:00-05:00January 12th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Auto, Sectors Need To Bridge Communication Gap to Accelerate Clean Tech

SOUTHFIELD - In a newly released Cleantech Point-of-View, Airfoil Public Relations urges the automotive industry to adopt the flexible, fast-to-market strategies of the technology industry and points out that tech developers have much to learn from best manufacturing practices developed by auto companies. "It's time for the automotive and technology industries to embrace partnerships, share

By |2010-01-12T00:00:00-05:00January 12th, 2010|Archive, Guest Columns|

Arkeia Delivers Free Virtual Appliance For Backup

SAN DIEGO - Arkeia Software, which makes fast, easy-to-use and affordable network backup solutions, has announced the availability of a no-cost virtual appliance designed to back up virtual machines. The new Arkeia Virtual Appliance Free Use Edition bundles software to implement a robust backup solution that enables enterprises with VMware to extend improvements in hardware

By |2009-12-11T00:00:00-05:00December 11th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|

Report: Security Concerns Mount For Cloud Computing Environment

BOSTON - Concerns about the security of cloud computing environments top the list of reasons for firms not being interested in the pay-per-use hosting model of virtual servers, according to the latest Enterprise And SMB Hardware Survey, North America And Europe, Q3 2009, by Forrester Research. Forty-nine percent of survey respondents from enterprises and 51

By |2009-12-11T00:00:00-05:00December 11th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|