Guest Columns

Better Batteries, A Better World With Advanced Battery Concepts

MIDLAND - Advanced Battery Concepts is a company with an exciting new power play. The company has developed a proprietary battery electrode technology, branded GreenSeal, which is anticipated to enhance lead acid battery power tenfold or nearly double the energy, without additional material costs. "GreenSeal technology has an additional advantage; it makes traditional lead acid

By |2009-09-11T00:00:00-04:00September 11th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|

E Promise: A Respectful Challenge to Michigan Business Organizations

SAGINAW - The Kalamazoo Promise provides Kalamazoo Public School graduates with up to 100 percent tuition scholarship for post-secondary education. Its mission is to transform the community and stimulate the economy through a new generation of learners. With this letter, I'd like to respectfully challenge area business organizations to launch a new Entrepreneurship Promise (E

By |2009-09-10T00:00:00-04:00September 10th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|

McAfee Report: Spammers Could Teach Marketers A Thing Or Two

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Ca. - In its' latest spam report, McAfee Inc. says corporate marketing departments could learn a thing or two on how to better target customers. And governments around the world could improve their national and international business prospects by aggressively combating illegal Internet activities, but don't hold your breath. Spammers understand their "customers,"

By |2009-07-24T00:00:00-04:00July 24th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|

McAfee Continues To Build Security-As-A-Service Strategy

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Ca. - McAfee is building on its nine-year-old security-as-a-service strategy and positioning itself as an end-to-end provider of security in the cloud and on the customer's premise. The demand for security-as-a-service offerings is accelerating, both in the small- and medium-sized business and larger enterprise spaces, with significant growth expected over the next few

By |2009-07-24T00:00:00-04:00July 24th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|

InfraGard Watchword For 2009 – Affordable!

DETROIT - We have some events coming up, and the shared characteristics of both the upcoming regional event and the national one are that both are designed with affordability for attendees (and organizers) top of mind. First is SecureWorld, coming back to the Ford Conference Center on September 29th & 30th. As we did last

By |2009-07-24T00:00:00-04:00July 24th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|

Juniper Adds New Capabilities To Adaptive Threat Management

SUNNYVALE, Ca. - Juniper Networks is updating its Adaptive Threat Management solution to include new capabilities around identity-based security and WAN acceleration, dynamically-provisioned anti-spyware and anti-malware, and identity-based, application-specific enforcement. The networking vendor has been building out its Adaptive Threat Management solution since last summer when it made announcements around high-end routing and switching, but

By |2009-07-24T00:00:00-04:00July 24th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|

Record Crowd Attends 2009 Merit Member Conference

ANN ARBOR - A record crowd of over 200 information technology professionals from organizations across Michigan came to Ann Arbor on June 11-12 to attend the 2009 Merit Member Conference, Merit Network's annual two-day networking and technology conference. This year's event featured over 40 presentations and discussions spanning a wide range of topics in information

By |2009-06-16T00:00:00-04:00June 16th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|

Michigan Enhanced Driver’s License – New State Revenue Source, or Extortion Scheme?

DETROIT - Renewing a drivers license has just gone from a tedious, but necessary process to an extortion game, as revenue starved states are cooperating with each other to collect every penny of traffic violation revenue possible from out of state shirkers. The new enhanced Michigan Drivers license, the license that also provides you with

By |2009-05-20T00:00:00-04:00May 20th, 2009|Archive, Guest Columns|