Guest Columns

ID Analytics Study Looks Into Employees’ Criminal Misuse Of Stolen Identities

SAN DIEGO - ID Analytics, which providers on-demand identity intelligence, has released the findings of its survey that analyzed the criminal behavior patterns associated with the misuse of identities stolen from the workplace by employees. The ID Analytics' study, "Analysis of Internal Data Theft", sought to expose how, where and when employees misused data stolen

By |2008-08-05T00:00:00-04:00August 5th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Spam On The Rise; Spammers Turn To New Avenues

BOSTON - Spam is on the increase again, and Sophos' latest spam trends report shows that only one in 28 e-mails can be considered legitimate. The rest are like the Vikings in that classic Monty Python skit: Spam, spam, spam. While there have been increases and decreases over the last couple of years, with spam

By |2008-07-25T00:00:00-04:00July 25th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Cyber-Crime Takes On Methods Of Legitimate Business

SAN JOSE, Ca. - Cyber-criminals have become organized and bare more than a passing resemblance to legitimate business today, according to Finjan's latest trends report from its Malicious Code Research Center. The report looked at the trend of cyber-crime during the second quarter of 2008, and it looks like cyber-criminals have gone up-scale. Finjan's research,

By |2008-07-25T00:00:00-04:00July 25th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

It’s Time For Michigan To Host A National SBIR Conference

LANSING - Each of our companies received and effectively used multi-millions in government-sponsored R&D grants to fund the research, development and most importantly, commercialization of breakthrough technology innovations that have led to our business success in Michigan. Mark Clevey, a nationally recognized expert in these grants, was an instrumental part of this effort. Our interest

By |2008-07-21T00:00:00-04:00July 21st, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Social Networking In Workplace Endangering Corporate Networks

TORONTO, Ontario - Trend Micro has reported an increase in the number of employees who admit to visiting social networking sites on the Internet while connected to the corporate network, according to the results of a study that explores corporate computer users' perceptions of and experiences with security threats. The study, which surveyed 1600 corporate

By |2008-07-15T00:00:00-04:00July 15th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Mismatch between IT security challenges and solutions deployed: CDW

CHICAGO - CDW Corp. has released the results of their survey of business IT professionals that revealed a disparity between the most common IT security headaches and businesses' deployment of solutions that could relieve them. The report, called "User-Proof IT Security Report," interviewed over 300 IT professionals at companies with more than 100 employees, focusing

By |2008-06-20T00:00:00-04:00June 20th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

IT Industry Must Help Citizens Reclaim Digital Identities

OTTAWA, Ontario - The IT industry must help citizens reclaim their digital identities. That's the view of a top Canadian civil servant dealing with the issue, Ontario's information and privacy commissioner Anne Cavoukian. Cavoukian made reference in a recent paper to how people are losing control of their personal information that is globally circulating in

By |2008-06-20T00:00:00-04:00June 20th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|