Guest Columns

Too Much Government Training?

LANSING - The conventional wisdom is that government security culture at all levels suffers from a lack of training. But leaving the quality, timeliness and relevance of specific courses aside for a minute, is it possible that the real problem is too much training? Some say yes, but I doubt it. This topic came up

By |2008-03-27T00:00:00-04:00March 27th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Don’t Forget The Availability Component

PORTLAND, Ore. - We learned (or maybe just heard about) Security being comprised of three main Components, Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. Some argue that there is a fourth, Compliance, but we?ll leave that for another time. Yeah, the press latches on to the violations in confidentiality and we hear endless stories of credit card, driver?s

By |2008-03-27T00:00:00-04:00March 27th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Microsoft: Secure Mobile Devices With Existing Exchange Infrastructure

REDMOND, Wa. - Businesses already running Microsoft Exchange Server already have all the security they'll need for mobile devices running Windows Mobile, stated a Microsoft spokesperson. While there's some perception that securing a mobile infrastructure is very costly, Alec Taylor, director of mobile communications business at Microsoft Canada, said that the security features of Microsoft

By |2008-03-27T00:00:00-04:00March 27th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Conducting A Crisis Communications Vulnerability Audit

WALLED LAKE - A crisis is any unexpected event, whether man-made or natural, that requires immediate action. It threatens the reputation of your company, usually as a result of negative media coverage and public awareness. In the worst case scenario, it can be even more damaging when the media and the public believe you reacted

By |2008-03-14T00:00:00-04:00March 14th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

House Electric Bills Take Competition, Entrepreneurs Out Of Michigan Electric Markets

LANSING - Legislation pending in the Michigan House Energy and Technology Committee will tell renewable and conventional energy entrepreneurs that Michigan is closed for business, Customer Choice Coalition supporters said at a news conference Monday. "Competition, choice and free markets are better solutions to Michigan's energy policies than monopolies, increased regulation and restrictions on entrepreneurs,"

By |2008-03-03T00:00:00-05:00March 3rd, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

STAPLES Business Depot Identifies Risky Behaviors For Security Threats

FRAMINGHAM, Ma - STAPLES Business Depot has noted that information security tops the list of modern-day threats and equates people's risky behavior in the IT security arena to driving without a seat-belt or riding a bicycle without a helmet. Common, everyday behaviors can lead to individuals and businesses to be at risk for security threats

By |2008-02-22T00:00:00-05:00February 22nd, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

McAfee Launches Certified Hacker Training Course

SAN JOSE - McAfee Inc.'s Foundstone Professional Services announced the Certified Ethical Hacking course, the company's first certified training program that gives IT professionals the skills they need to detect vulnerabilities on their own systems. The course teaches participants the skills they need to hack into vulnerable systems, but requires students to sign a pledge

By |2008-02-22T00:00:00-05:00February 22nd, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Embracing PCI: Making It Work For You

SOUTHFIELD - With the recent rise in data breaches and identity thefts, implementing a sound information security program is no longer optional. Companies processing credit card information are encouraged to embrace and implement sound data protection strategies to protect the confidentiality and integrity of payment information. As a result of this recent trend, a consortium

By |2008-02-22T00:00:00-05:00February 22nd, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

New Computer Network Security Threat Identified

BOSTON - Websense Inc., a provider of technology analysis, has been named the global leader in web security, according to an IDC study. The study, ?Worldwide Web Security 2007-2011 Forecast and 2006 Vendor Shares,? noted that Websense led with a 21 per cent or $247.5 million share of the $1.2 billion security market in 2006.

By |2008-02-22T00:00:00-05:00February 22nd, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Emergency Preparedness: What is Private Sector’s Role?

WALLED LAKE - Emergency preparedness is not just a public sector responsibility. Private sector makes up over 80 percent of the response capabilities across the county and can bring assets to the response as fast, if not faster, than our public sector partners. The key is the coordination, both before and during the emergency. However,

By |2008-02-22T00:00:00-05:00February 22nd, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|