Guest Columns

Securing Your Data For Mobile Users Paramount To IT Security

ROYAL OAK - Securing your companies data for mobile users is paramount to operating a comprehensive information security program. The loss of sensitive data from laptops, removable media and smart phones is growing concern among business owners. As privacy laws and regulations come of age, auditors are asking the tougher questions and holding companies to

By |2007-11-12T00:00:00-05:00November 12th, 2007|Archive, Guest Columns|

McAfee Launches Security Innovation Alliance

SAN JOSE, Ca. - McAfee Inc. has announced the McAfee Security Innovation Alliance, a new program for technology companies who want to integrate with McAfee's ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO). The program offers a set of tools designed to help integrate third-party applications with the company's security and compliance risk management technology. "Traditionally, security products have been

By |2007-10-12T00:00:00-04:00October 12th, 2007|Archive, Guest Columns|

Open Source Edges Commercial Security Software As IT Professionals’ Preference

CAMPBELL, Ca. - If all things were equal, 53 per cent of 228 U.S.-based IT security professionals surveyed would deploy open source security software versus 47 per cent that would use a commercial product for similar functionality, according to a recent study conducted by Barracuda Networks Inc., a provider of e-mail and Web security appliances.

By |2007-10-12T00:00:00-04:00October 12th, 2007|Archive, Guest Columns|

Secure World Detroit, Michigan InfraGard Update

DEARBORN - InfraGard shared the excitement along with several hundred security professionals for the two-day SecureWorld conference held this year in Dearborn at the Ford Conference and Event Center. Opening keynoter Jason Witty, Vice President, Security Services, LaSalle Bank covered the State of the Internet. The State of the Internet, in a nutshell, is dangerous.

By |2007-10-12T00:00:00-04:00October 12th, 2007|Archive, Guest Columns|

The Golden Keys Of E-Commerce

NEW YORK - It only takes a minute to establish if one is holding that magical key or just toying with a rusty screwdriver. Today, in order to have a commanding presence with universal access on e-commerce, domain names must act like very special golden keys as without it, the entire exercise of Internet-centric commerce

By |2007-10-09T00:00:00-04:00October 9th, 2007|Archive, Guest Columns|