Internet Advisor

MITechNews.Com’s Brennan, ESD’s Roush Talk New Content Partnership

ANN ARBOR ? MITechNews.Com Editor Mike Brennan talks about the new content partnership with the Engineering Society of Detroit and its Communications Director Matt Roush, the former editor of the Great Lakes Technology Report in Detroit. Mike and Matt competed for nearly 20 years and now they will work together to cover technology and entrepreneurs

By |2015-03-25T00:00:00-04:00March 25th, 2015|Archive, Internet Advisor|

MITechNews.Com Podcast Headlines: ESD, Robotics Day, Culinary Competition

ANN ARBOR ? MITechNews.Com Editor Mike Brennan reads the top headlines from last week?s MITechNews.Com Weekly eNewsletter, including Engineering Society of Detroit?s new executive director, Robotics Day coming up on April 9 on the University of Michigan North Campus in Ann Arbor, 53 teams to compete in the Restaurant ProStart Culinary Competition. To listen, Click

By |2015-03-18T00:00:00-04:00March 18th, 2015|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Episode 1510: Identifying Digtal Valuables, Online Tech Arcade Game Night

DETROIT ? In Internet Advisor episode 1510, Dan Hoops, Assoc. Prof. of Accounting and Taxation, Walsh College gives insights into identifying our digital valuables; Shawn Fergus of Online Tech announces an event March 19 that will allow folks to play more than 20 classic arcade games (the real ?80s machines), craft brews, food and NCAA

By |2015-03-10T00:00:00-04:00March 10th, 2015|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: Digital Divas Debut

DETROIT ? In this Internet Advisor podcast, hear the Digital Divas explain who they are going to raise the visibility of women in technology by telling their stories in audio. To listen to part one of the Digital Divas podcast on Internet Advisor, click on InternetAdvisor.Net To listen to part two of the Digital Divas,

By |2015-03-06T00:00:00-05:00March 6th, 2015|Archive, Internet Advisor|

MITechNews.Com Podcast: FCC Broadband Decision, FBI Puts $3 Million Bounty On Russian Hacker, MITechNews.Com Wins DiSciTech Award

ANN ARBOR ? In this MITechNews.Com Update, Editor Mike Brennan discusses the Federal Communications Commission decision to classify broadband and able to be regulated; The FBI puts $3 million bounty on a Russian hacker; MITechNews.Com wins the Corp! magazine DiSciTech award for our digital publication that you are reading. To listen, click on InternetAdvisor.Net

By |2015-03-06T00:00:00-05:00March 6th, 2015|Archive, Internet Advisor|