Internet Advisor

Internet Advisor Podcast: Step IT Up America Graduates & GIV Mobile Charity

DETROIT - A group of IT professonal women joined us in studio to talk about Step IT Up America. Ashley Montvidas Marketing & Social Media Coordinator at GIV Mobile shares details about an incredible cell phone plan and opportunity to help your favorite charity. Mike Brennan shares MITechNews.Com headlines. To listen, Click on Gongwer.Com

By |2014-09-11T00:00:00-04:00September 11th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: Best Streaming Digital Devices, Matt Roush At ESD, MITechNews Headlines

DETROIT - Rick Broida, the Gadget Guy, picks the best of the ?streamers,? digital devices that connects you to a world of entertainment on your TV over the Internet. Legendary Detroit Tech Commentator, Matt Roush, talks about his new job as head of PR and Communications for the Engineering Society of Detroit; Mike Brennan shares

By |2014-08-26T00:00:00-04:00August 26th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: Pinkereton In Ann Arbor, PC Gladiator, MITechNews.Com Headlines

DETROIT - Jack Zahran, President of the Pinkerton, joined the Internet Advisor to talk about why one of the oldest corporations in the US decided to move their home base to Ann Arbor; Jeff Harter, owner of PC Gladiator, the Livonia computer repair shop answered questions; Mike Brennan, Editor Of MITechNews.Com, shared headlines. Click on

By |2014-08-19T00:00:00-04:00August 19th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: IT In The D, Hackathon Champ, First Anniversary Of IA, MITechNews eNewsletter

DETROIT ? This week?s Internet Advisor podcast features IT in the D, a weekly, two hour podcast developed from the ground up by a group of Detroit IT warriors; Sam Harrell the Hackathon champ; Jason Johnson, producer for F7 Studios and the techie behind the IA podcast channel is joined by Mike Brennan, Editor of

By |2014-08-07T00:00:00-04:00August 7th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: inGAGEing Women In Business, Granny?s Twitter Adventure

DETROIT - inGAGE: Training Women in Business Leadership Rachele Downs, VP of Entrepreneurial Strategy Inforum and the Inforum Center for Leadership explains how budding female entrepreneurs in Michigan can get a head start on the competition through inGAGE which provides training and networking to women who are launching a new business venture or having been

By |2014-07-31T00:00:00-04:00July 31st, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: ITC Wind Power, Step IT Up America, MITechNews.Com Headlines

DETROIT ? Internet Advisor Podcast: Ron Hinsley, ITC V.P. of IT and CIO explains the role of ITC in bringing power and development to Michigan through projects like the Thumb Loop; Step ?IT? Up America-- ?Social Empowerment Through Technology;? MITechNews.Com headlines from Editor Mike Brennan. To listen, Click on InternetAdvisor.Org

By |2014-07-16T00:00:00-04:00July 16th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|