Internet Advisor

Internet Advisor Podcast: LTU, Next Energy Electrify Michigan

DETROIT ? On this Internet Advisor podcast, Dr.Virinder Moudgil, President of LTU, talks about the importance of STEM Education in the formation of our future technological leaders; Jim Saber, Vice President, Business & Technology Development, NextEnergy describes how his company is casting a vision and laying the groundwork for powering the next generation of technology.

By |2014-07-10T00:00:00-04:00July 10th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: Social Media Day, Mrs. Weber?s Neighborhood, AT&T Hot Spots That Connecct To Cars, MITechNews.Com Headlines

DETROIT ? Internet Advisor Podcast: Emily Hay introduces us to two of her friends: Jeff DeHaven tells us about Detroit Social Media Day: June 27: Mrs. Weber?s Neighborhood where Lauren Weber helps young families find fun things to do during the summer and young mothers find a kindred spirit. AT&T: Hotspot, Audiovox Car Device, Amazon

By |2014-06-24T00:00:00-04:00June 24th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: Future Of Computing, Microsoft Surface Pro 3, Anti-Piracy, MITechNews.Com

DETROIT - WWDC 2014: All Under the Hood with Cal Carson; Computex 2014: A peek at the future of computing with Ed Rudel; Jerry Carlson, Microsoft Device Ninja and Jeffrey Garnai, Client Specialist present Microsoft?s new Surface Pro 3 and Windows Phone 8.1; Jeff Garnai, Client/Technical Solutions, Heartland District, Microsoft; Surface Pro 3: Defining a

By |2014-06-12T00:00:00-04:00June 12th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: New Horizons, FundMe, ComicCon, MITechNews

DETROIT ? Internet Advisor Podcast: Scott McLean, Vice President of Operations at New Horizons Great Lakes shares the latest program by New Horizons to offer special training to help former military reenter a tough job market. Shardae Rudel wants to raise support for her college internship this summer in London, England. Motor City ComicCon Celebrates

By |2014-05-20T00:00:00-04:00May 20th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Warner Norcross Hosts Cybersecurity Webcast To Explain Risks And Reduce Exposure

SOUTHFIELD - Warner Norcross & Judd LLP will host a webinar for risk management, IT and risk management professionals on June 5 called Cybersecurity: Understanding the Risks and Reducing your Exposure. Companies can incur significant costs and losses in the wake of a security breach. The free webinar will arm professionals with a detailed overview

By |2014-05-15T00:00:00-04:00May 15th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: Rick Broida, Randy Peck, Mike Wendland, Mike Brennan, Jason Johnson

DETROIT ? Internet Advisor Podcast: Rick Broida the Gadget Guy has a basket full of goodies; Randy Peck, Patent Lawyer with Warner, Norcross and Judd, Southfield, MI has some insights; Net Neutrality: Issue at FCC That Could Determine the Future of the Internet; Mike Wendland has an impassioned opinion: Screwed Again; Mike Brennan with the

By |2014-05-15T00:00:00-04:00May 15th, 2014|Archive, Internet Advisor|