Internet Advisor

Internet Advisor Podcast: Social Media, Styleshack, Microsoft Device Ninja

DETROIT ? Internet Advisor podcast Dec. 7, 2013: Emily Hay, our social media diva, shares her recent experiences at the Women 2.0 Conference in Las Vegas; Rachel Schostak, presents a new website where you can identify your unique style and shop for the perfect outfit locally; Jerry Carlson returns in his role as Microsoft

By |2013-12-11T00:00:00-05:00December 11th, 2013|Archive, Internet Advisor|

Internet Advisor Podcast: Thanksgiving Special

DETROIT ? Internet Advisor Podcast: Ed Rudel has a checklist you will want to have on hand if disaster strikes in the form of nasty winter weather, flooding or alien invasion. Shane Hamelin has a list of things that will help you prepare for Thanksgiving and even fry your turkey without burning down the garage?.we

By |2013-11-27T00:00:00-05:00November 27th, 2013|Archive, Internet Advisor|