Podcasts (TechTown)

Missing Elements In Your Business Plan

DETROIT ? What are some of the missing elements of your business plan that are holding you back from success? Come to TechTown's First Friday event and Eddie Flowers, founder of the Michigan Insurance Benefits Agency, will reveal "The 5 Missing Books of the Business Plan." To listen, click on MITechNews.JenesysGroup.Com a>>

By |2010-07-07T00:00:00-04:00July 7th, 2010|Archive, Podcasts (TechTown)|

TechTown Part Of Business Accelerator Network

DETROIT ? Judy Johncox, Director of New Business Services at TechTown, talks about the new Business Accelerator Network that TechTown joined in June and how she hopes it will work with a pool of external business support professionals to help entrepreneurs develop startups. To listen, click on MITechNews.JenesysGroup.Com a>>

By |2010-06-28T00:00:00-04:00June 28th, 2010|Archive, Podcasts (TechTown)|

Next Steps For Business Accelerator Network

WARREN ? David Egner, executive director of the New Economy Initiative, said the $3 million investment in four Southeast Michigan business incubators announced in June will be followed this fall by additional efforts to help build the innovator brand for Southeast Michigan. To listen, click on MITechNews.JenesysGroup.Com a>>

By |2010-06-28T00:00:00-04:00June 28th, 2010|Archive, Podcasts (TechTown)|

Forever Fresh New SmartStart Startup

DETROIT ? Tanya Allen, a Wayne State Tech Town SmartStart client, has come up with a new product that will help both men and women remain Forever Fresh. To hear all about it, listen to the Newsmaker Interview on the TechTown Channel. To listen, click on MITechNews.JenesysGroup.Com a>>

By |2010-05-24T00:00:00-04:00May 24th, 2010|Archive, Podcasts (TechTown)|

MI-SBTDC Puts Office In TechTown

DETROIT ? The Michigan Small Business and Technology Development Center, an SBA-backed groups that provides training and support to start ups and small business, has set up an office in Wayne State University's TechTown to reach out to entrepreneurs based in the incubator. To listen to this podcast, click on TechTown a>>

By |2010-04-27T00:00:00-04:00April 27th, 2010|Archive, Podcasts (TechTown)|

TalkAToo.Com Next Hot Tween Gadget

DETROIT ? TalkAToo.Com, a silver-dollar sized mini recorder, could be the next hot Tween Gadget. And it comes from the mind of a Michigan mother. The device comes as a necklace or as a clip-on charm for backpacks, lunchboxes, purses or even belt loops. Just press the little button to record a message, then the

By |2010-04-13T00:00:00-04:00April 13th, 2010|Archive, Podcasts (TechTown)|