Cyber Defense

US-Israel Form Bilateral Cyber Working Group To Thwart Hackers More Quickly

TEL AVIV, Israel - A senior official in the White House announced Monday at the 7th International Cyber Week at Tel Aviv University that the United States and Israel had formed a bilateral cyber working group that would “stop adversaries before they can get into our networks and hold bad actors accountable.” The announcement was

By |2017-06-26T09:55:47-04:00June 26th, 2017|Cyber Defense, Featured|

Washtenaw Community College Offers Cyber Degree In Partnership With Eastern Michigan University

ANN ARBOR TOWNSHIP – Washtenaw Community College this fall will offer an associate degree in cybersecurity in coordination with Eastern Michigan University. Upon completion, graduates can transfer to EMU’s Information Assurance & Cyber Defense bachelor’s degree program. Students will learn network security skills while working in Linux operating systems, Cisco infrastructure and perimeter devices and

By |2017-06-21T18:36:26-04:00June 21st, 2017|Cyber Defense|

MITechNews.Com To Provide Complete Coverage Of Cyber Week 2017 In Israel

TEL AVIV, Israel - Cyber Week 2017, one of the most important annual cyber events in the world, will be held at Tel Aviv International University June 25-29 and MITechNews.Com Editor and Publisher Mike Brennan will be there to provide complete coverage in text, audio and video. The conference will include speakers and delegations from

By |2017-06-20T21:35:05-04:00June 20th, 2017|Cyber Defense, Featured|

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly – Internet Coverage Of Terror Attacks

ROYAL OAK - Cybersecurity expert Dan Lohrmann discusses physical attacks, including Manchester, England, where 22 people were killed by a terror attack. From the good to the bad to the ugly, stories poured in regarding developments. To read Lohrmann’s column on this subject, click on To listen to Lohrmann’s analysis, click on

By |2017-06-13T18:07:21-04:00June 13th, 2017|Cyber Defense, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

NSA’s Alleged Leaker Got Tripped Up By A Secret Printer Feature

WASHINGTON DC - On Monday, the National Security Agency contractor was charged in a Georgia court with releasing classified material to a news outlet. The top-secret information was an NSA report from May 5, which was first released to The Intercept, detailing Russian hackers trying to compromise US officials less than two weeks before Election Day

By |2017-06-08T19:21:49-04:00June 8th, 2017|Cyber Defense|

Online Tech’s Lumsden Explains Why The WannaCry Ransomware Attack Worked

ROYAL OAK - The WannaCry ransomware attack in May targeted hundreds of thousands of computers primarily in Europe running the Microsoft Windows operating system by encrypting data and demanding ransom payments in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Nick Lumsden, an Online Tech Vice President, explains what the attack was about and how his managed service provider dealt

By |2017-06-06T20:45:16-04:00June 6th, 2017|Cyber Defense, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Michigan CIO Behen To Take Private Sector Job After Departure On June 16

LANSING - David Behen, who has served as Director of the Department of Technology, Management and Budget, as well as the state’s Chief Information Officer for the past six years, will step down from his post on June 16 to pursue an opportunity with a global company headquartered in Michigan. Current Chief Deputy Director Brom

By |2017-06-04T20:28:08-04:00June 4th, 2017|Cyber Defense, Politics|

WannaCry Ransomware Attack Explained By Red Level’s Coffey

ROYAL OAK - What was the WannaCry ransomware attack all about? What impact did it have? Red Level’s Justin Coffey, its Microsoft Solutions Manager, explains all and how to defend against ransomeware attacks in this interview on M2 TechCast. To listen, click on

By |2017-06-02T08:43:57-04:00June 2nd, 2017|Cyber Defense, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Milhaus Partners With Online Tech For Its Disaster Recovery As A Service Solution

INDIANAPOLIS - Online Tech has been selected as the disaster recovery provider of choice for Milhaus, a mixed-use housing developer. One of the fastest growing companies in Indianapolis, Milhaus designs, builds and manages luxury apartments in urban areas across the U.S. Milhaus was looking to protect its critical telecommunications, file and accounting services with a

By |2017-05-31T20:24:13-04:00May 31st, 2017|Cyber Defense|