Cyber Defense

M2 TechCast March 21: Chinese Move Into Ransomeware, U.S. Senate Takes New Approach To Drones

FERNDALE - Cyber Security and Drones will be the focus on M2 (Squared) TechCast on Monday March 21 at 3 pm on the PodcastDetroit Network. Chinese hackers moving into ransomeware plus data breach digest from Verizon - both paint scary scenarios.  At 3 pm Dronelaw pro Enrico Schaefer will discuss proposed legislation in the U.S.

By |2016-03-18T16:31:31-04:00March 18th, 2016|Cyber Defense, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Hacktivist Anonymous Declares Trumpagaddon On Candidate Trump

SAN FRANCISCO - Hacktivist group Anonymous declared "total war" on Donald Trump, urging hackers to knock the billionaire's websites offline as it put the Republican front-runner in its sights for the second time. In a video posted Tuesday, a representative of the group called on hackers to attack Trump's websites and reveal any personal information

By |2016-03-18T14:30:58-04:00March 15th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Featured, News, Politics|

FCC Preparing Proposal To Take Charge Of Consumer Online Privacy

WASHINGTON DC - The Federal Communications Commission is preparing a proposal that lays out new rules governing how broadband providers handle your online activity. The rules would put the FCC in charge of consumer privacy, a duty previously handled by the Federal Trade Commission. The proposal comes amid heightened concern about personal privacy, thanks to

By |2016-03-11T14:18:34-05:00March 11th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Politics|

Internet Of Things Makes Ransomware Big Business For Cyber Criminals

WASHINGTON DC - A report published Thursday looks at how the growing network of Internet-connected household devices - dubbed the Internet of Things - from Samsung refrigerators to Nest thermostats, could make you even more vulnerable to ransomware attacks, what has rapidly become a multimillion dollar business for cyber criminals. Market forecaster Gartner expects 6.4

By |2016-03-10T17:33:59-05:00March 10th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Featured|

Michigan Cyber Range Hub Opens At Macomb-Oakland University

AUBURN HILLS - Michigan's Cyber Range, hosted by Merit Network, will have a new hub added on March 18 at the Macomb-Oakland University INCubator at the Velocity Center. The Michigan Cyber Range Prepares Cybersecurity Professionals to Detect, Prevent and Mitigate Cyber Attacks. The Range is an unclassified private cloud operated by Merit Network in Ann

By |2016-03-11T19:59:32-05:00March 10th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Featured|

ISACA Detroit Chapter Meeting Student Night March 1

TROY - Join the Detroit Chapter of ISACA on March 16 at the Michigan State University Management Education Center in Troy for student night. Registration deadline is March 11. Pre Dinner Topic:  Killer Presentations vs. Presentation Killers Speaker:  Bill Shaul After Dinner Topic: Student Night - Building your Career Detroit Chapter of ISACA When: March

By |2016-03-10T12:06:48-05:00March 10th, 2016|Cyber Defense|

Internet Advisor: Richard Stiennon Talks RSA Conference, Project Cumulus

Richard Stiennon, chief Analyst at IT-Harvest and an internationally recognized security expert joined us to give his feedback on the RSA conference just concluded in San Francisco. Richard also shared his analysis of Project Cumulus, a “honey pot” developed by security firm Bitglass to attract hackers in the deep web to steal tainted data and then follow

By |2016-03-09T15:51:45-05:00March 9th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Internet Advisor, Podcasts|

Ransomware Hits Apple Macs Users That Download Pirated Software

CUPERTINO, Ca. - Security researchers have discovered what they believe to be the first-ever ransomware attack targeted at Apple users that actually made it out "into the wild” - a genuine threat. The ransomware, ironically, is spread through a popular client used to share pirated software. The problem was first detected Friday, when a team

By |2016-03-09T07:39:45-05:00March 7th, 2016|Cyber Defense|

Detroit Chamber To Co-Host Cybersecurity Threats For Business Conference March 10

DETROIT -The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, along with the Detroit Regional Chamber, will bring together top experts from government, law enforcement, and the private sector for a conference to help small and mid-size businesses address cybersecurity threats March 10 at the Detroit Golf Club. Experts will discuss cybersecurity best practices, tools and tips for strengthening

By |2016-03-04T11:43:00-05:00March 4th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Featured|

U.S. Defense Department Offers Bounty To White Hats Who Hack Pentagon

WASHINGTON DC - The Defense Department is tired of all the Russian, Chinese, Eastern European and worldwide organized crime black hats hacking the Pentagon. So now it is offering an undisclosed bounty to qualified security pros - white hats - to do what the bad guys have done at will for years. News of the

By |2016-03-03T18:59:31-05:00March 3rd, 2016|Cyber Defense, Featured|