Cyber Defense

Are Your CEO And Board Ready For The Next Cyber Attacks?

DALLAS - Businesses suffered nearly 43 million known security incidents in 2014, an increase of 48 percent compared with 2013, and equals some 117,000 attacks daily. Yet, many boards and executives don’t have the information and resources they need to make effective business decisions on cybersecurity, contends a new report from AT&T. Drawing upon decades

By |2015-10-01T13:03:57-04:00October 1st, 2015|Cyber Defense|

Apple Exec: No More Malicious Apps At Our Stores

CUPERTINO, Ca. - A top Apple executive said Tuesday that measures have now been taken to prevent any more malicious apps to be found in the App Store, like the dozens reported last week. Phil Schiller, the company's senior vice president of worldwide marketing, said the source of the tainted apps was a program called

By |2015-09-24T19:45:20-04:00September 24th, 2015|Cyber Defense|

What’s The Price For Your Personally Identifiable Info – Just A Buck

SAN FRANCISCO – Because of so many data breeches in the past year, the price for personally identifiable information – what the bad guys need to steal a person’s identity, has fallen from $4 to just a buck, a new report contends. In Trend Micro's new report – Understand Data Breeches - the security company

By |2015-09-24T19:40:00-04:00September 24th, 2015|Cyber Defense, Featured|

Apple Removes iPhone, iPad Apps Infected By Malware From Stores

CUPERTINO, Ca. - Apple has discovered and removed from its iPhone and iPad App Store dozens of apps that were infected by malware. The tainted software made it into the App Store via a counterfeit version of Apple's Xcode program, which is used to create apps for the iOS and Mac system software, CNET.Com reported.

By |2015-09-21T21:14:03-04:00September 21st, 2015|Cyber Defense, Featured|

New US-China Treaty Could Limit Cyberattacks

NEW YORK - Could cyberattacks one day be governed by treaties like those limiting the use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons? The US and China are reportedly taking a first step in that direction. The countries are discussing a mutual promise not to launch a first-strike attack with cyberweapons on the other country's critical

By |2015-09-21T20:52:14-04:00September 21st, 2015|Cyber Defense, Featured|

Small Business Owners Take Action On Cyber Security

GLENVIEW, IL - A new survey says the majority of small business owners are concerned about breaches to their Internet and electronic security. As cyber security hacks have become an increasingly prevalent issue, 60 percent of small business owners said they are concerned enough that they are taking extra precautions including firewalls, offsite protected servers,

By |2015-09-18T20:25:01-04:00September 18th, 2015|Cyber Defense|

The Internet of Everything Is Here – How Do We Secure It?

LIVONIA - September 16 ISACA Detroit Chapter Meeting Pre-Dinner Topic will focus on the Internet of Things and Information Assurance, while the after-dinner topic will be Demonstrating Information Security Program Effectiveness. The Pre-Dinner presentation will be made by Keith Wilson, Systems Engineer, Lancope After-Dinner speaker is Doug Copley, Beaumont Health Systems. 4:30 - 5:00 Registration

By |2015-09-05T19:12:00-04:00September 5th, 2015|Cyber Defense, Featured|

Security Questions In Jeopardy After IRS Hack

WASHINGTON DC - Many people rely on security questions like "What's your mother's maiden name?" to protect their personal information online, but hackers are getting better at finding the answers. Case in point: the hackers who raided US Government's Internal Revenue Service data systems. Those attackers were much more successful at answering security questions than

By |2015-08-27T15:12:21-04:00August 23rd, 2015|Cyber Defense|

Federal Hack ID Theft Now At 22 Million

WASHIGTON DC - The federal government announced Thursday that the total number of people affected by cyberattacks on the US government's personnel office was more than 22 million. The agency said 21.5 million Social Security numbers were stolen from one source and 4.2 million from another. Both attacks were announced in June. Some people were hit with

By |2015-07-29T14:52:51-04:00July 22nd, 2015|Cyber Defense|