Cyber Defense

Trivalent Group To Host Free Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning Workshop

GRAND RAPIDS - Trivalent Group is hosting a free workshop designed to help businesses prevent loss of data in a technology disruption on July 30 at Trivalent Group Headquarters in Grandville. Trivalent Group is a leading cloud and managed services, IT support, business continuity and network services company in Michigan. The free workshop, BIASurvivor (Be

By |2015-07-29T14:51:52-04:00July 22nd, 2015|Cyber Defense|

Feds Shut Down Worldwide Malware Marketplace

MILWAUKEE - A 27-year-old suburban Milwaukee man created an Internet site used as a worldwide malware marketplace that was shut down Wednesday after an investigation by 20 law enforcement agencies across the globe, federal documents filed Wednesday show. The site, known as, was seized by federal authorities Tuesday. A dozen people, including Daniel Placek

By |2015-07-29T14:51:32-04:00July 22nd, 2015|Cyber Defense|

Fiat Chrysler Releases Software Update For Vehicle Electronic Security

AUBURN HILLS - On Thursday, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' Embedded System Quality Engineering team released a Technical Service Bulletin for a software update that offers customers improved vehicle electronic security and communications system enhancements. Similar to a smartphone or tablet, vehicle software can require updates for improved security protection to reduce the potential risk of unauthorized

By |2015-07-29T14:50:59-04:00July 22nd, 2015|Cyber Defense|

Gen. Stone: Nation Lacking In Cyber Warriors To Defend Against Attack

TROY ? Despite what is said publicly, the United States does not have the capabilities to defend the nation from a cyberattack launched by a foreign government, or organized crime, Brigadier General Michael A. Stone, the assistant adjutant general, Army National Guard, told a large audience at Walsh College Wednesday night. Stone, the keynote at

By |2015-04-17T00:00:00-04:00April 17th, 2015|Archive, Cyber Defense|

Secure-24 Debuts Advanced Flash Storage Cloud Environment

SOUTHFIELD - An advanced flash storage cloud environment enabling companies to process heavy workloads at faster speeds was introduced this week by Secure-24, a provider of application hosting and managed cloud services. Secure-24 has invested heavily in the new flash storage architecture and has implemented it across its cloud data centers in Michigan and Nevada.

By |2015-04-14T00:00:00-04:00April 14th, 2015|Archive, Cyber Defense|

Russian-Government Hackers Owned White House Computer System

WASHINGTON DC - Russian-government hackers who reportedly breached the White House's computer systems late last year gained access to sensitive information, though US officials said at the time that they hadn't, according to a story published Tuesday by CNN. Officials had previously said the White House breach, in October, had affected only an unclassified network,

By |2015-04-08T00:00:00-04:00April 8th, 2015|Archive, Cyber Defense|

NSA Comtemplated Curtailing Phone Records Collection Before Snowden Leak

WASHINGTON DC - The National Security Agency reportedly contemplated curtailing its program to collect the phone records of America citizens even before whistleblower Edward Snowden spilled the beans. The NSA, which has been intensely criticized for its program of vacuuming up the phone call records of US citizens, has publicly defended the practice as a

By |2015-04-02T00:00:00-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Archive, Cyber Defense|

Obama Issues Executive Order To Impose US Sanctions On Cyberattackers

WASHINGTON DC - President Barack Obama issued an executive order Wednesday authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of State and Attorney General to impose sanctions on cyberattackers hacking into the networks of US companies or government agencies. "Effective incident response requires the ability to increase the costs and reduce the economic benefits from malicious

By |2015-04-02T00:00:00-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Archive, Cyber Defense|

Gen. Stone Keynotes Cybersecurity Leadership Conference At Walsh College

TROY - Brigadier General Michael A. Stone, assistant adjutant general ? Army, Michigan National Guard, a recognized expert and leader on security topics, will be the keynote April 15 at the first Walsh College Center for Cybersecurity Leadership conference. Among several important cybersecurity issues, Stone will address opportunities available to the state of Michigan as

By |2015-04-02T00:00:00-04:00April 2nd, 2015|Archive, Cyber Defense|