
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), also known as a drone is an aircraft without a human pilot aboard.

Amazon’s Mothership: eTailer Gets Patent for Mega-Drone

SEATTLE - What happens when you connect a flock of flying drones? You get a "collective unmanned aerial vehicle" that's capable of lifting heavier burdens and flying greater distances than smaller drones can, according to a patent recently granted to online retailer Amazon. The Amazon Technologies Inc. patent describes a large and robust flying drone

By |2017-01-13T10:23:28-05:00January 13th, 2017|Drones|

Amazon Makes First Successful Commercial Drone Delivery – In England

CAMBRIDGE, England - Amazon has begun a commercial trial of its Prime Air autonomous drone delivery service, beginning with a single fulfillment center in Cambridge, England. The first delivery, which took place on December 7, took just 13 minutes from the customer placing an order. There's a promotional video of the first Prime Air delivery embedded

By |2016-12-16T14:58:11-05:00December 16th, 2016|Drones|

Alphabet’s Project Wing Receives Part 107 Waiver – Allows Drone Operator To Fly Up To 20 Drones At Once

WASHINGTON DC - On Nov. 25, the FAA issued a Part 107 waiver for the operation of multiple small unmanned aircraft to Project Wing. This is the first Part 107 waiver granted to X’s (an innovation lab at Alphabet and formerly Google X) drone delivery project, which received the OK from the FAA to test

By |2018-12-04T19:50:54-05:00December 8th, 2016|Drones|

GoPro Karma Drones Recalled After Some Ran Out Of Power Prematurely And Crashed

SAN FRANCISCO - Some 2,500 GoPro Karma drones have been sold since its launch. Now GoPro wants you to cease using it immediately and return the drone directly to GoPro Store or the retailer you purchased it to get a full refund because of some of them run have been running out of power prematurely

By |2016-11-14T12:27:42-05:00November 14th, 2016|Drones, Featured|

Do You Have Cool Videos Shot From Your Drone? Share Those With MI ReelCast

ANN ARBOR - Do you shoot cool scenic videos with the camera on your drone? Well MITechNews.Com is offering you a public place to post them. MITechNews.Com has launched MI Reelcast, a new video section where drone enthusiasts and tech start-ups can post their videos - plus get them promoted to a large technology, business

By |2016-11-11T11:11:06-05:00November 11th, 2016|Drones, Featured|

The Secret To Small Drone Obstacle Avoidance Is To Just Crash Into Stuff

PHILADELPHIA - Roboticists are putting a tremendous amount of time and effort into finding the right combination of sensors and algorithms that will keep their drones from smashing into things. It’s a very difficult problem: With a few exceptions, you’ve got small platforms that move fast and don’t have the payload capability for the kind of

By |2016-11-07T13:08:34-05:00November 7th, 2016|Drones|

For GoPro Karma Drone, The Sky Is The Limit

NEW YORK - For GoPro, there was nowhere to go but up–literally. Its first drone, dubbed the Karma, hit the market last week, a strategic moonshot aimed at carrying the struggling company beyond the increasingly saturated market for cubic cameras in a plastic case. Despite its listless efforts to become a media player, GoPro is still

By |2016-11-07T13:01:22-05:00November 7th, 2016|Drones|

M2 TechCast: Want To Become A Licensed Drone Pilot? Enrico Schaefer Tells You How

ROYAL OAK - DroneLaw.Pro Attorney Enrico Schaefer said the FAA expects 600,000 licensed drone pilots to take to the skies over the next 12 months. On Aug. 29 the FAA created a remote pilot certificate. Over the past couple of months tens of thousands of people have been taking the knowledge test to get a

By |2016-10-18T19:43:59-04:00October 18th, 2016|Drones, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

MIT’s New 3D-Printed, Shock-Absorbent Materials Make For Resilient Drones

BOSTON - It’s not the fall, it’s the sudden stop – the effect of an impact has similar negative effects on people and on the sensitive electronic parts of robots. A new research project from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab could help lessen the damaging effects of sudden physical shocks, for both humans

By |2016-10-16T12:27:23-04:00October 16th, 2016|Drones|