Guest Columns

Sector Six – SECURE!!

DETROIT - There was a popular TV commercial back in the 1990s that featured two security guards on patrol in a scary cement tunnel. Cue the sound of running footsteps and the dramatic chase music as our guys desperately pursue an unknown intruder through the tunnel. Then they stop, a look of satisfaction spreads across

By |2014-10-07T00:00:00-04:00October 7th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

The Persistent Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship

KANSAS CITY - Last week, the SBA Office of Advocacy released a study on the issue of women involved in entrepreneurial activity in science, technology, engineering and math fields. It found that across all STEM fields, female PhDs have lower rates of patenting and entrepreneurship than do male PhDs (5.4 percent versus 7 percent and

By |2014-10-06T00:00:00-04:00October 6th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

Hackathon Leads to Innovative Hacks to Improve City Life

DETROIT ? The College of Creative Studies hosted an all-night Hackathon this week, kicking off the Meeting of the Minds conference focused on urban sustainability and technology. The winning team earned $5,000. The event was sponsored by Qualcomm and encouraged developers to arrive Tuesday night and develop a product by Wednesday morning. The five teams

By |2014-10-02T00:00:00-04:00October 2nd, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

September ‘On the Road’ With Stephen Rapundalo

ANN ARBOR - The last month has been extremely busy as we put the final planning touches to the 2014 MichBio Expo & Conference and prepared the next issue of BioMatters? more on that later. In late August I visited Thermo Fisher Immunodiagnostics (i.e., Phadia U.S.) in Portage and met with the Medical Director, Rob

By |2014-09-25T00:00:00-04:00September 25th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

One Step Closer To Creating Star Trek-Style Transporter, Warp Drive

SAN FRANCISCO - We're one step closer to creating the Ansible communicator in "Ender's Game," the warp drive envisioned by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre and a "Star Trek"-style Transporter. Or we can at least keep thinking that while scientists do the hard, incremental physics required to keep us dreaming of those kinds of future advancements.

By |2014-09-25T00:00:00-04:00September 25th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

Companies Tighten Reins On Non-Compete Agreements

ANN ARBOR - The use of non-compete agreements in employment contracts from the chief executive to the middle manager is on the rise, but is that good or bad for competition and innovation? That depends on who's signing them and why, according to research by Norman Bishara, associate professor of business law. "We're seeing companies

By |2014-09-10T00:00:00-04:00September 10th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

Insecurity Never Sleeps

BIRMINGHAM - As summer is drawing to an end many IT security professionals are returning to their desks after vacations and trips to drop freshmen off at their new schools. A quick check of emails, Twitter, Facebook, and news sites will reveal that insecurity never sleeps nor vacations. A quick recap: Celebrity Photo Leaks. There

By |2014-09-04T00:00:00-04:00September 4th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|

On Cyber Czars and Policy Makers

BIRMINGHAM - Michael Daniel, the White House Cyber Policy Coordinator, created a disturbance in the force last week when he was quoted as saying: "Being too down in the weeds at the technical level could actually be a little bit of a distraction." You can see how such a statement coming from the top cyber

By |2014-08-27T00:00:00-04:00August 27th, 2014|Archive, Guest Columns|