Guest Columns

Time For A Check Up ? Your Current Data And Records Management Programs And The New Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure

ANN ARBOR - The new rules of Federal Civil Procedure (FRCP) become effective December 1. Is your company ready? Are you aware how your company has been storing your electronic information? Are your network architecture maps current? Unfortunately, litigation is part of corporate life (and the annual budget). The new FRCP rules are cause for

By |2006-10-20T00:00:00-04:00October 20th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Government Affairs For Small Businesses

LANSING - Every year, the federal government authorizes spending of almost $1 trillion for goods and services that range from purchasing pencils to Apache helicopters, including research and development projects. Yet with all this opportunity, small businesses tend to shy away from implementing a government affairs strategy that would help them get government appropriations, grants,

By |2006-10-05T00:00:00-04:00October 5th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

PMO Design Principles: What Really Matters?

WHITMORE LAKE - Many organizations are expending enormous resources working to improve how they do projects. They see a significant opportunity to improve the competitiveness of their organization by improving what most consider dismal performance in projects. Project Management Organizations are being designed and implemented to lead these organizational efforts to improve project performance. While

By |2006-08-30T00:00:00-04:00August 30th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Guest Access, Network Identity Management Controls

DETROIT - A more dynamic workforce means the list of people requiring network access changes every day. Employees, contractors and other short-term network users must be provisioned by the IT staff, often using a manual, time-consuming process that does not meet just-in-time business requirements or provide an adequate record for auditing and regulatory compliance. Manually

By |2006-08-27T00:00:00-04:00August 27th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Content Filtering And Security

FARMINGTON HILLS - Content filtering solutions are used primarily to limit and or log access to specific Web sites on the internet. These solutions are usually located just inside the corporate firewall and can either be placed in-line or are queried. Both of these strategies have their pros and cons. The in-line variety content filter

By |2006-08-25T00:00:00-04:00August 25th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Security Policy And Infrastructure Changes Needed

GRAND RAPIDS - The recent rash of highly publicized laptop thefts has led to a corresponding increase in articles on what to do about sensitive customer data on employee laptops. It seems to me that these articles are too narrowly focused and need to expand their scope to all removable media. Laptops aren?t the only

By |2006-08-18T00:00:00-04:00August 18th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|