Guest Columns

Executives Dissatisfied With Companies’ Ability To Respond To Business Change

ONTARIO, Canada - Executives express widespread dissatisfaction with the ability of their organizations to assimilate and respond to business change, according to a new study issued today by the Business Performance Management Forum (BPM Forum) and webMethods Inc. While recognizing the strategic role that IT can play in addressing these requirements, these executives also indicate

By |2006-06-05T00:00:00-04:00June 5th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Detroit Concern For Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Abated ? For Now

DETROIT - Several Michigan legislators were active in support of a voice vote amendment this week that extends the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative deadline by 18 months. The Stevens/Leahy amendment includes only the extension and was co-sponsored by both Michigan Senators Stabenow and Levin. The Detroit Regional Chamber has been heading efforts nationally to reduce

By |2006-05-19T00:00:00-04:00May 19th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Money Finders Helps Entrepreneurs Roundup Financing

TROY - The Money Finders Inc. helps entrepreneurs running startup and early-stage companies find the funding needed to propel their products and services from concept or prototype stage to the market place where they can start generating revenue. The Money Finders also introduces qualified investors to pre-screened opportunities for participating in new businesses and in

By |2006-05-12T00:00:00-04:00May 12th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Project Practices to Provide IT Security

WHITMORE LAKE - Security in the realm of IT is getting a great deal of attention lately. This is great news because IT security has been an ill-considered risk to organizations for too long. Ever since Open Systems gained prominence, we have been pretending away the often glaring security holes in most organizations' distributed computer

By |2006-04-13T00:00:00-04:00April 13th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Why Internal Networks Are Sitting Ducks For Attackers

HOUSTON - While most efforts today are focused on defending the network perimeter and endpoint machines, worms and malicious attackers can easily bypass firewalls and exploit vulnerabilities to disrupt networks from within. Once inside perimeter defenses, intruders can conceal their presence, compromise confidential data stores, and remotely control machines for malicious purposes. These internal attacks

By |2006-04-13T00:00:00-04:00April 13th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

U-M Study: Americans Love Competition, But Is It Pushing Our Scientists Too Far?

ANN ARBOR - A new study by the University of Michigan suggests that the competitive nature of research fosters an environment where scientific misbehavior takes place far more often than the misconduct that makes headline news. And because scientific misbehavior involves more mundane decisions and actions, it may be easier for researchers to look the

By |2006-04-09T00:00:00-04:00April 9th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|

Fundamental Tax Reform ? Coming to Michigan

LANSING - Michigan is facing dramatic challenges in our economy. Small business owners have a huge role to play in addressing these challenges and leading our state back to prosperity. When it comes to tax policy, we can't remain in our comfort zone any longer. Michigan is primed for fundamental tax reform. The Small Business

By |2006-03-12T00:00:00-05:00March 12th, 2006|Archive, Guest Columns|