Guest Columns

The New Michigan Identity Theft Act Requires A Proactive Approach

SOUTHFIELD - According to a survey conducted for the Federal Trade Commission last year, an estimated 3.25 million Americans discovered that their personal information had been misused to open new credit accounts, take out new loans, or engage in other types of fraud ? the definition of Identity Theft. The Identity Theft Center IDTheftCenter.Org has

By |2005-07-10T00:00:00-04:00July 10th, 2005|Archive, Guest Columns|

Michigan Economic Development Corporation: Creating 21st Century Jobs

LANSING - In recent months, Toyota, Nissan and Hyundai Motor announced plans to build or expand R&D facilities in Michigan. Michigan automakers are investing new capital in existing plants in the state. In the formerly quiet village of Dundee, the Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance is building not one but two engine plants. Kalamazoo has come

By |2005-06-20T00:00:00-04:00June 20th, 2005|Archive, Guest Columns|

Michigan Venture Capital Program Should Have Been A Michigan-Run Program

DETROIT - Michigan Treasurer Jay Rising blew a perfectly good opportunity to place a new venture capital program within the control of Michigan's fine and talented private equity leaders recently. Instead, Rising gave the new, state-sponsored $150 Million "fund of funds" management to CSFB in New York. One can imagine the heavies at CSFB yelling

By |2005-06-05T00:00:00-04:00June 5th, 2005|Archive, Guest Columns|

Business Marketing Sinking In The Age Of Abundance

NEW YORK - You might have the best team with the best of innovation, but there are these overly diluted markets out there, glutted with look-alike brands and identical services. The challenge is to fine-tune a marketing process that will not only re-energize the production but produce a shaper edge in design, quality and value,

By |2005-06-05T00:00:00-04:00June 5th, 2005|Archive, Guest Columns|

The Ins and Outs Of Non-Compete Agreements

DETROIT ? Non-compete agreements are becoming more commonplace in Michigan as small start up technology companies grow, and partners go their own way. James Boutrous II, an employment litigation specialist with Butzel Long, discusses the essentials of non-competes in this column. Boutrous's practice includes traditional labor work, including considerable trial experience in employment discrimination matters,

By |2005-05-16T00:00:00-04:00May 16th, 2005|Archive, Guest Columns|

Tips On Business Ethics From PR Pro John Bailey

TROY - Ethics is one of our key values and it needs strengthening in today?s business world, writes John Bailey, founder of John Bailey & Associates, a Troy public relations firm. We can and should talk about ethics a lot. To begin discussion, I offer my simple outline. 1. Find the truth then tell it.

By |2005-04-27T00:00:00-04:00April 27th, 2005|Archive, Guest Columns|

Michigan Earns Grade Of F for Entrepreneurial Dynamism

LANSING - In March 2005, the Small Business Foundation of Michigan published its inaugural Michigan Entrepreneurship Scorecard - a first in the nation entrepreneurial-based economic analysis of the Michigan economy. The overall purpose of the Scorecard is to use 116 distinct metrics to compare Michigan with the other 49 states with regard to entrepreneurial dynamism.

By |2005-03-18T00:00:00-05:00March 18th, 2005|Archive, Guest Columns|

Trade Secrets – What Companies Should Do To Protect Them

DETROIT ? What are trade secrets under Michigan law and what should companies do to protect them? Phillip Korovesis, a shareholder in Butzel Long?s Detroit office, who chairs the firm?s Non-Compete and Trade Secret Practice Group, answers these and other questions about Trade Secrets in a mini interview with Mitechnews.Com Editor Mike Brennan. The full

By |2005-03-15T00:00:00-05:00March 15th, 2005|Archive, Guest Columns|