
Five Ways To Spot A Phishing eMail

DETROIT - In a 2016 report from Wombat Security, organizations reported that the most successful phishing attacks were disguised as something an employee was expecting, like an HR document, a shipping confirmation or a request to change a password that looked like it came from the IT department. Make sure to scrutinize any such emails

By |2017-03-08T12:22:49-05:00March 8th, 2017|Cyber Defense, Internet Advisor, Podcasts|

Loretta Yakima: Queen Of Multi-Tasking In IT

SOUTHFIELD - Diva Tech Talk was happy to interview Loretta Yakima, a multi-talented tech industry veteran, currently a senior project manager under contract at ZF TRW (www.zf.com ), simultaneously working as a consultant with Chrysalis Global Consulting (http://www.chrysalisglobal.com). Loretta credits her parents, who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, for all facets of her success. “They

By |2017-03-08T12:09:26-05:00March 8th, 2017|Diva Tech Talk, Podcasts|

Detroit Labs, Detroit Hispanic Development Corp, iOS Development and Podcasts

ROYAL OAK - For episode 185 of the IT in the D podcast from the Podcast Detroit studios, we talked about the new apprentice class Detroit Labs has and the other things they’ve got going on, what the Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation does and offers in Southwest Detroit, what it’s like to be an iOS

By |2017-03-08T12:02:04-05:00March 8th, 2017|IT in the D, Podcasts|

Bamboo Detroit Co-Working Space Offers Starter Memberships For Just $40 A Month

ROYAL OAK - If you’re an early stage entrepreneur in Detroit, Bamboo Detroit has a special deal for you, Starter Memberships. Bamboo Detroit co-founder Amanda Lewan said the package includes mail address and mail services, also get discounts on tickets to the community events - all for just $40 a month. Means you get a

By |2017-03-08T11:26:08-05:00March 8th, 2017|Entrepreneurs, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

How Does The GVSU Applied Medical Device Institute Help Entrepreneurs Negotiate The FDA Approval Process?

ROYAL OAK - What does it take for a medical device to get approved by the Federal Drug Administration for commercialization? Brent Nowak, PhD, executive director of the Applied Medical Device Institute of Grand Valley State University, explains how the process works. Nowak is interviewed on this segment of M2 TechCast by Keith Brophy, state

By |2017-03-06T11:46:26-05:00March 6th, 2017|Life Sciences, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Kathleen Norton Schock Updates MCWT Calendar, Diva Tech Talk Podcasts

ROYAL OAK - What’s happening with the Michigan Council of Women in Technology and with Diva Tech Talk? Kathleen Norton Schock appeared on M2 TechCast Feb. 27 to provide updates. One of the recent Diva Tech Talk podcasts featured Janet Tyler, now COO of Red Level Networks, after co-founding Airfoil Public Relations. She also updates

By |2017-03-06T11:46:37-05:00March 6th, 2017|Diva Tech Talk, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Alfa Romeo Makes U.S. Return, Plus How The Internet Has Changed Car Buying: Zeigler Auto Group

ROYAL OAK - Alfa Romeo has returned to the United States, but before they did, they wanted to make sure the car they sold in the mass market would be the perfect vehicle for the picky American car buyer. The result: the mid-sized Giulia and the high-powered Giulia Quadrifoglio, both truly Italian works of art,

By |2017-03-06T10:07:56-05:00March 6th, 2017|M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

M2 TechCast March 6: MiSci STEM Hub, MadDog Technology, Xfinity YouTube App, Technado Update

ROYAL OAK - On M2 (Squared) TechCast Monday March 6, Tonya Matthews, CEO of the Michigan Science Center, will talk about MiSci’s STEM Hub Components. Irene Spanos, co-founder of MITech248 in Oakland County, will interview MadDog Technology Co-Founder Matt Hillman. Comcast’s Michelle Gilbert joins us again to talk about some cool Xfinity apps on YouTube.

By |2017-03-03T11:49:13-05:00March 3rd, 2017|Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

LookUpDetroit, Answering Listener Questions

DETROIT - Since 2004 Fr. Richard Dalton, an Anglican priest from Rochester has doggedly published a chronicle of Detroit’s good news, promoted budding artists and shared stories that otherwise wouldn’t have seen the light of day. To get the backstory, click on http://internetadvisor.net/2017/02/podcast-1707-lookupdetroit-and-answering-listener-questions/

By |2017-03-01T11:28:25-05:00March 1st, 2017|Internet Advisor, Podcasts|

TalkingCarz.Com Coming To Michigan In April To Help Auto Dealers Sell Vehicles

ROYAL OAK - There’s a new Internet video service coming to Michigan in April called TalkingCarz.Com. It’s focus is on providing auto dealers with much higher visibility on the Internet and social media, where the vast majority of auto buyers start the car and truck shopping process. Founder Steve Tomaszewski said his service is the

By |2017-02-28T21:07:34-05:00February 28th, 2017|Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|