
Michigan Technology related politics

Auto Supplier Martinrea International To Build R&D Center In Auburn Hills

AUBURN HILLS – Martinrea International Inc. is building a 108,200 square foot technical center in Auburn Hills to combined its sales and engineering office currently located in Troy. The new company also will let the Canadian company expands its R&D. The structure is financed, in part, by a $420,000 performance-based grant from the state of

By |2016-10-27T11:06:54-04:00October 27th, 2016|New Products / Contracts, Politics|

Education Commission Seeks Advice On How To Improve State’s Education Systems

LANSING – Gov. Rick Snyder’s 21st Century Education Commission announced a statewide listening tour that will provide opportunities for the public to meet with commissioners and offer suggestions on how to improve the state’s education systems. The first stop will be in West Michigan at the Gerald R. Ford Academic Center on Nov. 3 from

By |2016-10-27T10:17:36-04:00October 27th, 2016|Featured, Politics|

Michigan PSC Approves DTE Electric Renewable Energy Pilot Program

LANSING - The Public Service Commission has approved a voluntary renewable energy pilot program for DTE Electric Company allowing program participants to obtain a larger amount of renewable energy than the 10 percent mandated by the state's 2008 energy law. The new program will be limited to an additional 150,000 megawatt-hours of generation from company-owned

By |2016-10-20T18:35:48-04:00October 20th, 2016|Clean Update, Politics|

Pundits Agree: US Presidential Race Is Effectively Over

LANSING - Bernie Porn of EPIC-MRA, Kelly Rossman-McKinney of Truscott Rossman, and Bill Ballenger, publisher of The Ballenger Report, all agree with statements made on last week’s MIRS Monday Podcast - the 2016 presidential race is effectively over. "I think so," said Porn. "But there have been so many weird things happening that you have

By |2016-10-19T18:29:22-04:00October 19th, 2016|Politics, Small Business Association of Michigan|

Snyder: Trump’s Comments About Women Revolting, Disgusting

LANSING - Gov. Rick Snyder, in a break from his general refusal to discuss the presidential race, on Thursday sharply criticized Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Speaking to reporters in Grand Rapids, Snyder, according to audio posted by WJRW-AM, called the presidential election "a huge mess." Trump is under siege after a 2005 video recorded

By |2016-10-14T10:05:24-04:00October 14th, 2016|Politics|

MEDC Corrects Renaissance Zone Problems

LANSING - The Michigan Economic Development Corporation has mostly addressed oversight issues in how its Renaissance Zone Program evaluates the impact on creating new jobs, retaining jobs and stimulating capital investment within the state and determines compliance, according to a follow up report from the Office of the Auditor General. Originally, Renaissance Zones were regions

By |2016-10-10T10:42:31-04:00October 7th, 2016|Politics|

Polls Give Clinton Substantial Lead Over Trump In Michigan Following Debate

LANSING - Bolstered by a strong performance in her first debate with Republican rival Donald Trump, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton now holds a substantial lead of 11 percentage points over the Republican, according to a poll released Thursday by Lansing-based EPIC/MRA. Not quite a month ago, Trump had drawn within 3 percentage points of

By |2016-10-07T09:48:16-04:00October 7th, 2016|Featured, Politics|

Could Hackers Highjack The 2016 Presidential Elections?

WASHINGTON DC - The 400-pound hacker Donald Trump warned about Monday night during the presidential debate can't ruin Election Day, experts told Congress Wednesday. As hacks continue to influence the 2016 election, Congress has been looking into whether cyberattacks could actually affect the ballot on November 8. A congressional subcommittee on information technology, inviting high-ranking officials

By |2016-09-29T20:15:47-04:00September 29th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Politics|

Vote On Proposal To Open TV Set-Top Box Market To Internet Competitors Delayed

WASHINGTON DC - Federal regulators on Thursday delayed a vote on a proposal to overhaul the market for TV set-top boxes, dealing a major setback to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler on one of his top priorities for the year. The delay, coming so close to an election that will usher in a new

By |2016-09-29T16:25:45-04:00September 29th, 2016|Politics|