
Michigan Technology related politics

Fiscal Health Trends Reversing In Some Michigan Communities

ANN ARBOR - After five years of steady statewide improvement, fewer Michigan communities report that they are better able to meet their fiscal needs this year. A University of Michigan survey polled top elected and appointed officials in the state's 1,856 units of local government and found that 2016 marked a change in earlier trends

By |2016-08-23T19:48:48-04:00August 23rd, 2016|News, Politics|

Too Early To Say If A Study Will Be Needed To Expand Electric Generation In Upper Peninsula

LANSING - A spokesperson for the Midcontinent Independent System Operator said Thursday said it is too early to say if the group would study electric generation expansion in northern Michigan as Gov. Rick Snyder has requested. Snyder sent a letter to the organization that oversees electric transmission in 15 states and Manitoba urging the company

By |2016-08-19T10:25:45-04:00August 19th, 2016|Clean Update, Politics|

Plaintiffs Scoff At State’s Request For Stay In Straight Ticket Case

LANSING - There is no reason to grant a stay a U.S. District Court judge's ruling striking down the state's elimination of the option for voters to pick a party's slate of candidates with a single mark on the ballot, the plaintiffs suing to prevent the elimination of straight ticket voting said in a Monday

By |2016-08-15T20:32:46-04:00August 15th, 2016|Politics|

Attorney General Asks Stay On Court Ruling Michigan Straight Ticket Voting Ban Discriminates Against African-Americans

LANSING - The Michigan Attorney General asked the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Wednesday for an emergency stay within a week of a lower court ruling striking down Michigan's new law ending the option for voters to choose a political party's slate of candidates with a single mark on the ballot. The state asked

By |2016-08-11T19:55:47-04:00August 11th, 2016|Politics|

Corrections Organization Calls For Restrictions On Drones Near Prisons

LANSING - The Michigan Corrections Organization wants to make it a felony to operate a drone within 1,000 feet of a correctional facility as two Michigan Senate bills seek to do after yet another drone was spotted flying over the Ionia Correctional Facility recently. Department of Corrections spokesperson Chris Gautz confirmed a drone sighting at

By |2016-08-11T19:24:36-04:00August 11th, 2016|Drones, News, Politics|

Panel: Governments Must Step Up Investment In Water, Sewer Infrastructure

CHICAGO - Governments at all levels must step up their investment in water and sewer infrastructure to avoid a reoccurrence of the Flint water crisis, a panel told lawmakers Wednesday. During a session at the annual National Conference of State Legislatures summit in Chicago, experts stressed the need for boosted funding for the country's aging

By |2016-08-11T19:16:08-04:00August 11th, 2016|Clean Update, Politics|

Bill Introduced In Michigan Senate To Prohibit Government Search, Seizure Of Electronic Data and Communications

LANSING - Rep. Jim Runestad on Monday called for the Senate to take action on a joint resolution extending Michigan's constitutional prohibition against unreasonable government search and seizures to include electronic data and communications, but the Senate is so far unsure on whether it would do so. "It may be a topic of discussion for

By |2016-08-09T21:16:55-04:00August 9th, 2016|News, Politics|

Trump: American Dream Has Vanished In Detroit

DETROIT - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told a crowd of 1,500 on Monday that the city of Detroit is the "living, breathing," example of Hillary Clinton's failed economic agenda, and until his plan focusing on America is implemented, there will not be real change. Trump made an economic stump speech to the Detroit Economic

By |2016-08-09T19:34:02-04:00August 9th, 2016|Politics|

NVCA Statement: Trump’s Plan to Eliminate Carried Interest Would Threaten Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

WASHINGTON DC – The National Venture Capital Association Monday said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, in a speech in Detroit calling for the elimination of the current tax treatment of carried interest, does not understand the critical role it has played in the growth of the U.S. entrepreneurial ecosystem. “Despite the populist uproar, carried interest

By |2016-08-09T15:13:25-04:00August 9th, 2016|Politics|

Grand Rapids To Consider Mobile Food Business Ordinance To Set Rules For Food Trucks

GRAND RAPIDS - Cindy Schneider credits her Lottos Lunch Wagon as her first step to launching the venerable San Chez restaurant downtown, so she has a soft spot in her heart for any entrepreneur who uses a food truck as a way to build a business in Grand Rapids. By the same token, Cindy says,

By |2016-08-04T13:57:40-04:00August 4th, 2016|Entrepreneurs, Politics|