
Michigan Technology related politics

Environmental Interests, Schools Denounce Michigan Senate Energy Proposal

LANSING - The Michigan Senate Energy and Technology Committee continued to hear testimony on its energy policy on Thursday, with much coming from those who had hoped the proposal would maintain the state's Renewable Portfolio Standard and from schools participating in electric choice concerned about increased energy costs. Ray Telman with the Michigan Schools Energy

By |2016-05-05T22:11:57-04:00May 5th, 2016|Clean Update, Politics|

Public Service Commission Seeks To Update Avoided Costs For Electric Utilities

LANSING - The Michigan Public Service Commission on Tuesday began proceedings to establish updated avoided costs for rate-regulated electric utilities under a federal law, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act, which allows certain small power producers to sell their electricity to utilities. In the case (case U-18089), the PSC had ordered last October that its

By |2016-05-04T19:35:48-04:00May 4th, 2016|Clean Update, Politics|

Study Finds Michigan Tax Burden Less Than Average

 LANSING - A combination of tax policy changes, economic factors and demographic changes means Michigan ranks in the lower tier of all states in terms of per capita tax burden, a report from the Citizens Research Council shows. The report, which looks at data from 2013, shows that Michigan residents had overall tax burdens similar

By |2016-05-04T18:34:00-04:00May 4th, 2016|Politics|

No-Reason Absentee Voting Bill Tabled By Republicans Thwarting Snyder’s Wishes

LANSING - Hard-knuckle politics has once again thwarted efforts to allow voters to cast an in-person absentee ballot despite a request from Governor Rick Snyder in January that it be sent to his desk as soon as possible. The bill (HB 4724) would end the limit on casting an absentee ballot to those 60 and

By |2016-05-02T10:31:32-04:00May 1st, 2016|News, Politics|

Computer Coding Could Be An Option Towards High School Graduation Under House Bill

LANSING - Computer coding would not be considered a language, but would be an option toward graduation under legislation under discussion in the Michigan House Workforce and Talent Development Committee. Under the H-1 substitute adopted Thursday, the bill (HB 5463) would merge coding, world languages and arts into 21st Century skills, and the Michigan Merit

By |2016-04-29T12:47:38-04:00April 29th, 2016|News, Politics|

Energy Choice Remains Thorny Issue As Debate On Michigan Energy Policies Kicks Off

LANSING - The Michigan Senate Energy and Technology Committee kicked off testimony from interested stakeholders on its proposal for Michigan's energy policies and regulations, but despite an immense amount of changes made over the past six months, most of the same people either liked or disliked the bills. DTE Energy CEO Gerry Anderson was the

By |2016-04-29T12:31:00-04:00April 29th, 2016|Clean Update, Politics|

Innovation Hubs To Get $3.5 Million To Help Commercialize Tech Research

LANSING - The Michigan Strategic Fund on Thursday announced it would provide an additional $3.5 Million to eligible Innovation Hubs across the state focused on commercializing technologies in bio medical, advanced transportation, life sciences, ag-bio and advanced materials. The announcement, made by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, expands the Michigan Translational Research and Commercialization program

By |2016-04-28T20:26:58-04:00April 28th, 2016|Entrepreneurs, News, Politics|

Houses Unanimously Approves Email Privacy Act – Senate Expected To Do Same

WASHINGTON DC - Who says Congress can’t work together? Well   certainly so when it comes to email privacy. On Wednesday the House of Representatives voted 419-0 to approve the Email Privacy Act, an update to a 30-year old law privacy advocates say is long overdue. The bill essentially fills a loophole in the 1986

By |2016-04-28T19:21:38-04:00April 28th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Featured, Politics|

Budget Clears Michigan House With Funds For Grant Rapids Veterans Home

LANSING - The Michigan House on Wednesday approved its budget for state agencies with an additional $500,000 to address staffing shortfalls at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans and the possibility of slight funding increases if a solution is found on auto insurance credits taking up $80 million of the state's budget. HB 5294 passed

By |2016-04-28T19:01:24-04:00April 28th, 2016|Politics|

FBI Maintains Silence On How It Cracked Terrorist iPhone – Israeli Company Suspected

WASHINGTON DC - The FBI is maintaining its silence about a hack that gave it access to data on a terrorist's iPhone, although earlier reports claimed an Israeli company masterminded the exploit. As expected, the agency released a statement Wednesday, reported by CNET.Com, arguing that it doesn't know enough about the hacking method to submit

By |2016-04-28T15:36:34-04:00April 28th, 2016|Cyber Defense, Politics|