
Michigan Technology related politics

Controls On Farm, Septic Runoff Could Improve Michigan Water Quality

LANSING - Based on known markers for the pollutants, Michigan waters are being affected by septic tank effluents in the winter and cattle manure in the spring and summer, presenters at a symposium by the Michigan Agri-Business Association said. Controlling the former would mean additional controls on septic tanks, while controlling the latter could be

By |2016-01-13T22:57:03-05:00January 13th, 2016|Clean Update, Politics|

Report: Michigan Lost Population, Grew Poorer From 2002 To 2013

LANSING - Michigan lost population and grew poorer from 2002 to 2013, a report by the Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency shows, and the growth in poverty affected every county during that time. In 2002, the state had a poverty rate below the national average, the report said, with poverty at 11.3 percent of the state's

By |2016-01-13T22:59:21-05:00January 13th, 2016|Featured, News, Politics|

Energy Chairs Says Room For Technical Changes In Michigan Energy Legislation

LANSING - Rep. Aric Nesbitt said this week there is room for technical and clerical changes in legislation overhauling the state's energy laws, but changes to the competition and competitive bidding pieces are unlikely. Nesbitt's (R-Lawton) energy plan in HB 4298, HB 4297 and HB 4575 has been sitting on the House floor since early

By |2016-01-10T16:32:24-05:00January 10th, 2016|Clean Update, Politics|

Report: Michigan Unprepared To Handle The Next Recession

FAIRFAX, Virginia - Michigan's economy has improved, but when looking at the relative strength of its Budget Stabilization Fund, one college has said Michigan is unprepared to handle the next recession. The Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia ranked all the states in terms of their ability to prepare for a recession based

By |2016-01-07T15:49:52-05:00January 7th, 2016|Featured, Politics|

No Reason For Michigan Senate To Approve No-Reason Absentee Voting Now That Snyder Signs Straight Ticket Repeal

LANSING - A bill that would allow in-person, no-reason absentee voting will come up for discussion among majority Senate Republicans, officials said Tuesday after Governor Rick Snyder signed a bill ending the option for voters to choose a party's slate of candidates with a single selection on their ballot. Snyder, in a signing statement, said

By |2016-01-06T12:38:21-05:00January 6th, 2016|Featured, Politics|

Gov. Rick Snyder Taps DNR Director To Serve As DEQ Interim Director

LANSING - Michigan Department of Natural Resources Director Keith Creagh will serve as interim director for the Department of Environmental Quality effective Jan. 4, Gov. Rick Snyder announced Wednesday. Creagh will guide the DEQ through its leadership transition period, following the resignation of former director Dan Wyant. Dr. Bill Moritz will serve as interim director

By |2015-12-30T18:53:42-05:00December 30th, 2015|Clean Update, Featured, Politics|

Snyder Apologizes To Flint Residents For DEQ Water Quality Failure

LANSING - Governor Rick Snyder apologized to Flint residents for the failures of state agencies and called on the departments of Environmental Quality and Health and Human Services to reach out to experts on drinking water quality in light of additional preliminary findings of the Flint Water Advisory Task Force that put the primary responsibility

By |2015-12-29T20:22:49-05:00December 29th, 2015|Clean Update, Featured, Politics|

DEQ Mishandling Of Flint Water Claims Wyant

LANSING - Department of Environmental Quality Director Dan Wyant resigned Tuesday in the wake of interim findings from the task force Governor Rick Snyder commissioned to investigate why Flint's drinking water became contaminated with lead that pointed the finger squarely at the DEQ. Snyder, who is out of state this week on vacation with his

By |2015-12-29T19:59:07-05:00December 29th, 2015|Clean Update, Politics|

Consumers, DTE Renew Call For Urgency On Energy Legislation

LANSING  - The state's two largest utilities are fighting back against what they believe have been potential misrepresentations about news from state officials on Tuesday that the state can essentially maintain business-as-usual practices and still be in compliance for at least a decade with the federal Clean Power Plan on carbon emissions. "In less than

By |2015-12-28T12:27:18-05:00December 28th, 2015|Clean Update, Featured, Politics|

Gov. Snyder Signs Bill To Provide Tax Breaks For Switch – 40 Other Data Centers

LANSING - Governor Rick Snyder last week signed a pair of bills providing sales and use tax exemptions for certain data centers saying they "modernize the structure of Michigan's tax code" by give data centers similar treatment as manufacturing facilities, which better aligns the state with tax laws elsewhere. "Michigan has a long tradition of

By |2015-12-28T12:27:18-05:00December 28th, 2015|Featured, Politics|