
Michigan Technology related politics

MEDC Details Cuts Heading Into New Fiscal Year

LANSING - A total of 65 full-time positions and more than $129.8 million are being cut from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation's 2016 budget after its executive committee on Tuesday adopted a resolution accepting the budget as proposed. The MEDC in mid-August announced it would make major cuts for its 2015-16 fiscal year budget beginning

By |2015-09-15T00:00:00-04:00September 15th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Public Seeking Cheaper College, More Alternatives

LANSING - Michigan has to find ways to make college education more affordable given it is essential to getting ahead economically, but it also has to support more programs that provide hands-on job training for youth and adults, the Center for Michigan said in a recent report. Among the key recommendations of the report,Getting to

By |2015-09-15T00:00:00-04:00September 15th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Pure Michigan Gets Clicktivated

LANSING - Tourists will now be able to engage with Pure Michigan commercials to discover information about specific destinations with the video spots. The technology comes from Detroit-based Clickivated. When a scene of interest plays, users can click on the icon to the right of the screen and get immediate access to individual websites of

By |2015-09-14T00:00:00-04:00September 14th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Delphinus Medical Technologies Gets $39.5 Million C Round

  PLYMOUTH TWP. - The ultrasound-based breast imaging technology developer Delphinus Medical Technologies Inc. says it has secured $39.5 million in new series C venture capital round - what the company contends is the single largest amount ever raised for a healthcare imaging company in the Midwest, as well as the largest for a medical

By |2015-09-14T00:00:00-04:00September 14th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Meekhof Talks Roads, Energy As Fall Priorities

LANSING - Road funding, energy policy overhaul and addressing a dire situation with Detroit Public Schools topped the list of priorities from Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof on Wednesday as the Senate returned to work. Meekhof (R-West Olive) said little about road funding discussions - as has been the case with all of the leaders

By |2015-09-10T00:00:00-04:00September 10th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Building Trades Endorse Business Tax Increase For Roads

LANSING - After initially urging caution on a proposal to raise the Corporate Income Tax from 6 percent to 11 percent and directing the new revenue to roads, the Michigan Building Trades has now decided to endorse the proposal. There was no word from Building Trades officials, but Citizens for Fair Taxes, the group backing

By |2015-09-10T00:00:00-04:00September 10th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Second Computer Outage In Past Week Hits Department Of State

LANSING - The loss of connection to a mainframe computer knocked out computer systems at all Department of State branch offices starting about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, leaving those in line before the close of business at 5 p.m. having to return a different day to complete their business. The connection was restored overnight, resolving the

By |2015-09-10T00:00:00-04:00September 10th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Michigan Tech’s Female, Graduate Enrollment Soars

  HOUGHTON - Fall 2015 enrollment at Michigan Technological University is 7,238, the highest the school has seen in more than 30 years. Female enrollment is at a record high, with women making up 26.9 percent of the student body. Female enrollment in the College of Engineering rose to 26.7 percent, and the number of

By |2015-09-10T00:00:00-04:00September 10th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

SBAM Supports Critique Of Proposed Federal Overtime Rules

LANSING - The Small Business Association of Michigan's national affiliate the National Small Business Association recently submitted comments warning against the Department of Labor's proposed rules on overtime pay. In addition to the massive threshold increase, NSBA also criticized the DOL's process for not allowing an appropriate time frame for stakeholders to properly study and

By |2015-09-08T00:00:00-04:00September 8th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Harley-Davidson Sustainability Spotlighted At Business Forum

MUSKEGON - West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum's September membership meeting will feature a spotlight on sustainability at Harley-Davidson, beach clean-ups, and waste diversion. This month's luncheon is at the Annis Water Resources Institute in Muskegon September 14 from Noon to 2 pm. The leading brand in an industry not traditionally known for sustainability, Harley-Davidson has

By |2015-09-08T00:00:00-04:00September 8th, 2015|Archive, Politics|