
Michigan Technology related politics

Republican Operatives Roe, Sandler Form New Consulting Firm

LANSING - Two of Michigan's best-known Republican operatives are teaming up to form a new political consulting firm. Jamie Roe, who until recently was the long-time chief of staff to U.S. Rep. Candice Miller (R-Mount Pleasant), and Stu Sandler, who has run his own consulting firm following a tenure as former Attorney General Mike Cox's

By |2015-08-03T00:00:00-04:00August 3rd, 2015|Archive, Politics|

EPA Carbon Emissions Rule Praised, Criticized, Studied By Michigan Legislators

LANSING - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released Monday its final rule on carbon emissions targets nationwide, welcomed with open arms by environmental activists and a bland, "still-in-review" reaction from those otherwise. Valerie Brader, executive director of the Michigan Agency for Energy, said in a statement that she will be working with legislators, stakeholders and

By |2015-08-03T00:00:00-04:00August 3rd, 2015|Archive, Politics|

EPA Power Plan Sets A Standard In Middle For Michigan

LANSING - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Monday released its long-awaited final rule on carbon emissions for all states, and an analysis from the EPA shows Michigan has one of the more moderate state goals compared to other states. The plan, named the Clean Power Plan, has been two years in the making and

By |2015-08-03T00:00:00-04:00August 3rd, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Michigan PSC Determines Adequate Electric Resources

LANSING - While Michigan must continue working to ensure adequate electric resources beyond 2016, the Public Service Commission officially declared Thursday that the projected shortfall in 2016 is likely not as big as previously implied by a regional survey. "Michigan's focus on making sure there is an adequate reserve of capacity revealed that efforts have

By |2015-07-24T00:00:00-04:00July 24th, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Cyber Security: Fears For An Aging Population

SOUTHFIELD - With one simple click, you can expose yourself to cyber criminals. While cybercrime is a threat to everyone, I'm especially concerned for those senior citizens who've been slower to adapt to technology. This group is more likely to fall prey to cyberbullying and be emotionally abused, harassed or threatened online. Embarrassed by their

By |2015-07-23T00:00:00-04:00July 23rd, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Ballot Proposal Would Raise Michigan Corporate Income Tax To 11 Percent, Put New Revenue To Roads

LANSING - A blockbuster ballot proposal unveiled Thursday by a liberal group would raise the Corporate Income Tax from 6 to 11 percent and put the resulting $900 million in new revenue toward roads. The proposal is a voter-initiated act, so supporters will need to gather signatures from at least 252,523 registered voters to put

By |2015-07-23T00:00:00-04:00July 23rd, 2015|Archive, Politics|

Public Service Commission Approves Natural Gas, Electric Increases

LANSING - The Michigan Public Service Commission approved two settlements Thursday resulting in increases for natural gas customers of Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation and electricity customers of Upper Peninsula Power Company. Both are related to reconciling each respective company's 2014 energy optimization revenues and expenses, as well as to revise surcharges. Effective August 1, residential

By |2015-07-29T14:31:29-04:00July 22nd, 2015|Politics|

5 Michigan Counties Rank High In Digital Counties Survey

WASHINGTON DC - Five Michigan Counties were lauded in the 2015 Digital Counties Survey for understanding the transformational value of technology and making the investments needed to improve services and efficiency across all facets of their organizations. The winners include: Population of 500,000 or more - Oakland County (3) Population of 250,000 to 499,999 -

By |2015-08-05T22:04:10-04:00July 22nd, 2015|Featured, Politics|