Guest Columns

Companies Wasting Time, Money, Rekeying Content From Customers

SILVER SPRING, MD. - New AIIM research found that 54 percent of organizations manually re-key some of the content they receive from customers, suppliers, and partners. Nearly 40 percent of respondents say they don't scan any of their incoming documents, implying that they still haven't tapped into the enormous benefits of converting paper documents into

By |2008-12-23T00:00:00-05:00December 23rd, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Social Networking – The New Killer App?

TORONTO - Some say social networking came of age in 2008 and as it continues to mature over the course of 2009, it will live up to the hype as the next "killer app". But beyond social networking, what will Web 2.0 do for businesses in a forthcoming year that is economically unpredictable? According to

By |2008-12-23T00:00:00-05:00December 23rd, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

IDC Report – Economy Has Significant Impact On SMB IT Spending Plans

BOSTON - The downturn in the U.S. economy is having a significant impact on small and medium business priorities and plans for technology acquisition, according to research firm IDC Corp. The concern is real, and impact potentially profound, with variations by company size, industry, and attitude segment, according to a recent IDC survey. As a

By |2008-12-16T00:00:00-05:00December 16th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Marketing To Weather This Recession Tsunami

CALGARY, Alberta - Once an afterthought to many businesses, marketing is rapidly becoming important as sales pipelines dry up, the phones have stopped ringing, word of mouth referrals are no longer propagating and the unemployment rate starts to rise. How does the average small business professional continue to build a business, keep their heads above

By |2008-12-09T00:00:00-05:00December 9th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

GM’s Open Letter To The American People

DETROIT - We deeply appreciate the Congress considering General Motors' request to borrow up to $18 billion from the United States. We want to be sure the American people know why we need it, what we'll do with it and how it will make GM viable for the long term. For a century, we have

By |2008-12-08T00:00:00-05:00December 8th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Security Threats And How To Protect Your Business

SOUTHFIELD - Security is an issue that affects businesses of all sizes, in all locations. To help protect customers and businesses worldwide, Microsoft issues its Microsoft Security Intelligence Report (SIR) twice yearly. A detailed examination of the evolution of computer threats and countermeasures, this report provides a unique, global perspective on the state of the

By |2008-12-04T00:00:00-05:00December 4th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

CA Simplifies IT Service Management

SOUTHFIELD - CA has announced a strategy to streamline IT service management delivery by offering a new set of unified product offerings and software integrations. "CA is changing the way IT service management solutions are delivered by making yesterday's products into today's integrated features and providing clear incremental integration paths to more complete service management,"

By |2008-11-25T00:00:00-05:00November 25th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Comfort Gadgets For The Holidays

BURLINGAME - It's time to go back to basics. Trips to exotic resorts are plunging. Sales of macaroni and cheese are up. And in a digital age, consumers turn not just to familiar foods when the economic news is frightful, but also to friendly digital toys. "It's about trust and comfort at this point," says

By |2008-11-25T00:00:00-05:00November 25th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

The Cellphone Squeeze – Another Victim Of The Cratering Economy

NEW YORK - Here's another species endangered by our cratering economy: the basic, mid-priced cellphone. Pinched wallets are putting the so-called feature phone--which includes a camera, Bluetooth, text messaging and Web surfing capabilities--at risk, says Avi Greengart, research director of mobile devices at Current Analysis. Carriers, squeezed by the economy themselves, are passing over their

By |2008-11-25T00:00:00-05:00November 25th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|

Health Care Opportunities, Challenges With New President, Democrat-Controlled Congress

WASHINGTON - In 2009, we are certain to see an effort to pass comprehensive reform legislation, and all of the players in the health care system (companies, universities, suppliers, economic developers, venture funders and the general public) will be affected. White House Will Lead the Way Health care reform is a top priority for Barack

By |2008-11-20T00:00:00-05:00November 20th, 2008|Archive, Guest Columns|