
CloudTech1’s Beckers Announces Internet Of Things Conference In October

ROYAL OAK - If you want to learn more about the Internet of Things and what it will mean to on both a personal and business level, you’re going to want to listen to this podcast with Rick Beckers, CEO of CloudTech1, who announces he will be bringing an Internet of Things Conference to Southeast

By |2017-05-08T18:49:08-04:00May 7th, 2017|M2 TechCast, News, Podcasts|

SBAM’s Fowler Outlines New Energy Efficiency Program In Partnership With DTE, Consumers

ROYAL OAK - Rob Fowler, CEO of the Small Business Association of Michigan, announces a new partnership with Consumers Energy and DTE to develop an energy office at SBAM that will position three people in the field to work with small businesses to develop better energy efficiency strategies. Fowler said the program is aimed not

Wisconsin Lawsuit Filed By Warner Norcross Could Set Precedent On AR Gaming Regs

ROYAL OAK - Candy Lab AR, an award-winning company that has developed location-based and augmented reality software since 2011, filed a lawsuit last week against Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, in a case that is expected to have far-reaching implications for the fast-growing augmented reality industry. Under Milwaukee County Resolution 16-663, companies publishing augmented reality games would

By |2017-05-07T17:28:21-04:00May 7th, 2017|M2 TechCast, News, Podcasts|

M2 TechCast: Interviews With Tech248 And Inforum, Plus IT Career Academy Update, Thumbs Up Wine Trail

ROYAL OAK - On M2 TechCast Monday May 8, Tech248’s Irene Spanos interviews Tom Berman from Reverie, an Oakland County developer of High Tech Sleep Technology. Inforum’s Tember Shea interviews Grace Montero, Co-Founder, Social Sushi, a pop up networking event and catering company. ITInTheD’s David Phillips will discuss the IT Career Academy that will provide

By |2017-05-05T09:52:17-04:00May 5th, 2017|Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Securonix, Hatch Detroit

ROYAL OAK - Another great episode as we were joined by Securonix to talk predictive behavioral analytics and other great security topics, and Hatch Detroit about their upcoming submission period for this year’s contest. Securonix is at: https://www.securonix.com/ Hatch Detroit is at: http://hatchdetroit.com/ Penguicon is this weekend, so you might want to read Bob’s take and then

By |2017-05-03T10:58:18-04:00May 3rd, 2017|IT in the D, Podcasts|

MISBDC Update: Dataspeed, One Of The 50 Companies To Watch Winners

ROYAL OAK - Paul McCown, the Chief Financial Officer for Dataspeed, is one of the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch winners this year. He will receive his award Thursday night at the gala in Lansing. Keith Brophy, state director of the Michigan Small Business Development Center, interviews McCown - along with M2 TechCast Co-Hosts Mike

Detroit Startup Week: Interview With Event Lead Monica Wheat

ROYAL OAK - Monica Wheat joins M2 TechCast Co-Hosts Mike Brennan and Matt Roush to provide more details on Detroit Startup Week, scheduled for May 22-26, this year in partnership with Detroit Entrepreneur Week. Startup businesses of every type and stage are invited to more than 100 completely free events that are designed to support

By |2017-05-03T12:26:33-04:00May 2nd, 2017|Entrepreneurs, Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Traverse City Drone Expert Schaefer Explains SharedSky Drone Park In Northern Michigan

ROYAL OAK - Five entrepreneurs. including Drone Law Pro Founder Enrico Schaefer, have partnered to create a group dedicated to expanding and promoting the drone industry in this northern Michigan resort town. The nonprofit is called SharedSky. Its mission statement reads: To connect individuals, businesses, local government, and organizations interested in the safe and ethical

By |2017-05-04T09:06:15-04:00May 2nd, 2017|Drones, Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Melih Oztalay of SmartFinds Marketing Social Media Update: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Video

ROYAL OAK - Social media expert Melih Oztalay from Birmingham-based SmartFinds Marketing talks about the latest Social Media Marketing Trends, including Facebook Improvements, LinkedIn, Twitter Replies, and the hottest trend of them all, Video Marketing. Facebook Improvements Melih Oztalay discussed the changes taking place at Facebook which businesses need to consider in their digital social

By |2017-05-03T12:29:07-04:00May 2nd, 2017|Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts, Social Media|

Hacking Health Windsor-Detroit III

DETROIT - Hacking Health Windsor Detroit III returns to Tech Town Detroit. Hacking Health is an event designed to improve healthcare by inviting technology creators and healthcare professionals to collaborate on realistic, human-centric solutions to front-line problems in a fun, intense, hands-on event where small teams tackle tough problems in a supportive community of peers and mentors. It is a weekend long cross-border event that breaks down

By |2017-04-30T21:27:35-04:00April 30th, 2017|Michigan Mobile Musings, Podcasts|