
Social Media Marketing Primer: Inboard And Social Media Marketing, Website Marketability, Content Marketing

ROYAL OAK - Social media expert Melih Oztalay from SmartFinds Marketing in Birmingham explains inbound marketing and social media marketing, website marketability, content marketing and much more in this edition of M2 TechCast. In this podcast, Oztalay explains: What is inbound marketing? How Website Marketability, Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing intersect. Customer behavior has

By |2017-03-27T20:03:57-04:00March 27th, 2017|M2 TechCast, Podcasts, Social Media|

DOE Report: Power Outage By Cyberattack Threat To Critical Defense Infrastructure

ROYAL OAK - The U.S. Department of Energy released an alarming report in January 2017, saying that the U.S. electric grid is in imminent danger from a cyberattack. So where have we been, where are we now, and where are we going regarding smart grid security? Cybersecurity expert Dan Lohrmann discusses the report on this

By |2017-03-27T20:04:55-04:00March 27th, 2017|Cyber Defense, Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

M2 TechCast: MISBDC, OU Inc, SBAM, WIN

ROYAL OAK - On M2 TechCast Monday March 27, Keith Brophy will interview an entrepreneur helped by the MISBDC. Amy Butler will talk about the upcoming Innovation Weekend at Oakland University's Incubator. Michael Rogers will update news and events from the Small Business Association of Michigan. While Melissa Sheldon from the Workforce Intelligence Network will

By |2017-03-27T12:17:30-04:00March 24th, 2017|Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

How To Become A Better Delegator

LANSING - Michael Rogers, communications officer for the Small Business Association of Michigan, talks with business coach and trainer Tom Borg to get tips and advice on how to be a better delegator in your small business. To listen, click on https://www.sbam.org/Resources/tabid/97/ArtMID/2980/ArticleID/2768/How-to-be-a-better-delegator.aspx

By |2017-03-21T21:12:30-04:00March 21st, 2017|Podcasts, Small Business Association of Michigan|

Techstak Builds Database Of Southeast Michigan Tech Providers For SMBs

ROYAL OAK - Inforum’s Tember Shea interviews Nicol Pasuit, Founder & CEO, Techstak. Techstak is the Angie’s List for Technology. What she discovered is technology companies want to market to the small and medium businesses that helps business find and connect to reputable, trusted technology providers. Techstak is now on boarding IT pros, managed service

By |2017-03-19T17:15:50-04:00March 19th, 2017|Entrepreneurs, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

David Cole Talks CAFE Standards, Future Powertrains, Electric Vehicles

ROYAL OAK - What’s the hot tech news from the auto industry? Auto industry guru David Cole joins us on M2 TechCast to talk future powertrains and President Trump’s desire to reduce the CAFE fleet fuel standards to make it more achievable for the auto industry. Cole also discusses the sale of Opel/Vauxhall by GM

By |2017-03-19T16:25:08-04:00March 19th, 2017|Auto Tech, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Electro-Matic Ventures COO Talks Manufacturing In America Conference

ROYAL OAK - Richard Laramee, President of Electro-Matic Ventures, will provide details on the Manufacturing in America conference March 22-23 at the Renaissance Center. The free show will feature about 2,500 manufacturing executives and hundreds of exhibitors focus on the manufacturing sector. Laramee said one day at Manufacturing in America is devoted to students to

By |2017-03-19T16:07:26-04:00March 19th, 2017|M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Online Tech’s Disaster Recovery as a Service Keeps Networks Running

ROYAL OAK - In February, Amazon Web Services went down for up to 12 hours leaving millions of customers using this public cloud off line. Online Tech offers its Disaster Recovery as a Service product that guarantees its customers that if an outage occurs, they will be back on line in under 10 minutes. Nick

By |2017-03-20T10:03:36-04:00March 19th, 2017|M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Social Media Trends, Manufacturing In America, Hacker Threats To U.S. Power Grid

ROYAL OAK - On M2 TechCast Monday March 20, Melih Oztalay from SmartFinds Marketing will talk about the latest social media trends. Jeff Hall from Siemens will talk about the Manufacturing in America conference March 22-23 at the Renaissance Center. Plus Dan Lohrmann will warn us about possible hacker threats to the U.S. power grid.

By |2017-03-17T09:01:38-04:00March 17th, 2017|Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|