
OST’s Lomonaco Updates What’s Happening With The Internet Of Things – IoT

ROYAL OAK - So what’s up with the Internet of Things? Open Systems Technologies Marketing Director Mike Lomonaco tells us what his company is doing in this space. He said OST looks at the IoT ranging from connected products to digital transformation, so much so that what are historically physical appliances, like thermostats, are all

By |2017-04-19T14:23:37-04:00April 19th, 2017|M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Diva Tech Talk’s Norton Schock Shares News On Detroit Demo Days, Detroit Startup Week, MCWT

ROYAL OAK - Diva Tech Talk co-founder Kathleen Norton Schock updates what’s happening with the Michigan Council of Women in Technology and Diva Tech Talk. She also updates Detroit Startup Week, May 22 - 26 at the Masonic Temple. Registration is now open. Also an event is included for women entrepreneurs. What's more, Quicken Loans

By |2017-04-19T14:24:18-04:00April 19th, 2017|Diva Tech Talk, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Cart Rides Ends Meijer Beta Test For Ride-Sharing, Food-Shopping Service

ROYAL OAK - Inforum’s Tember Shea talks about a University of Michigan startup Stacey Matlen, CEO of Cart Rides, a ride-sharing service that drives patrons from their homes to some Detroit-area Meijer stores. The beta test has ended for the program and Tember updates the results. More information at https://cartrides.com/ To listen, click on https://soundcloud.com/podcastdetroit/m2techcast-episode-77-inforums-tember-shea-with-stacey-matlen-cart-rides

By |2017-04-19T14:06:21-04:00April 19th, 2017|Entrepreneurs, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Figuring Out The Best Way To Flow Data Around Your Small Business

LANSING - Michael Rogers, communications officer for the Small Business Association of Michigan, Aaron Fuller, owner of Superior Data Strategies, to get his advice on improving the flow of data in your small business operations. To Listen, click on https://www.sbam.org/Resources/tabid/97/ArtMID/2980/ArticleID/2799/Figuring-out-the-best-way-to-flow-data-around-your-small-business.aspx

By |2017-04-19T14:06:43-04:00April 18th, 2017|Podcasts, Small Business Association of Michigan|

The Resume is Dead…Long live the Resume!

DETROIT - Steve Acho,  VP of Business Development  Solstice Consulting Group has the answer to the question: Why is technology recruiting broken and what to do about it?  He has developed Shortro.com staffing that cuts the time and effort of finding qualified candidates for IT jobs by 80 percent assuring hiring the right candidate with greater accuracy.  Resumes are so 2001;

By |2017-04-19T14:06:59-04:00April 18th, 2017|Internet Advisor, Podcasts|

Online Tech Merger, Red Level Cyber Summit, Trump’s Cyber Funding, LTU’s Blue Devil Motorsports

ROYAL OAK – On M2 TechCast Monday April 17, Online Tech CEO Yan Ness will announce a new merger, Red Level’s Mark Dreyer Sr. will review the session he is conducting at this week’s Microsoft Cyber Security Summit, Cybersecurity expert Dan Lohrmann will discuss federal funding for cyber in Trump’s infrastructure plan, and finally LTU’s Selin

By |2017-04-14T10:39:23-04:00April 14th, 2017|Featured, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

Advice On How To Build Your Small Business Leadership Team

LANSING - Michael Rogers, communications officer for the Small Business Association of Michigan, talks with trainer and leadership coach Kevin Suboski, to get his tips and advice on how to build a leadership team in your small business. To find out more, click on https://www.sbam.org/Resources/tabid/97/ArtMID/2980/ArticleID/2787/Advice-on-how-to-build-your-small-business-leadership-team.aspx

By |2017-04-12T10:25:18-04:00April 12th, 2017|Podcasts, Small Business Association of Michigan|

College Students Beat The Text Book Shell Game With Mobile App Book Cycle

DETROIT - Two Detroit students at Kalamazoo College got fed up with the typical school bookstore hustle: incredibly high costs at the beginning of the school semester followed by incredibly low prices on those same books when the semester is over.  Is there no way to beat this “shell game”? Kalamazoo College Juniors, Darryl Lewis

By |2017-04-12T09:46:51-04:00April 12th, 2017|Internet Advisor, Podcasts, Social Media|

Supported Intelligence’s SmartBracket Ranked In Top Percentiles For March Madness Picks

ROYAL OAK - Peter Schwartz from Supported Intelligence talks about how successful the SmartBracket software product did with the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. Through the final game, SmartBracket had the North Carolina-Gonzaga match up in two of the three ways SmartBracket is measured. SmartBracket uses Artificial Intelligence to pick brackets. In Yahoo, SmartBracket was in

By |2017-04-10T21:09:05-04:00April 10th, 2017|Entrepreneurs, M2 TechCast, Podcasts|